Chapter 74: Before we Go.

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The horses hooves continued to beat upon the ground. Her sword in her hand. The blade blackened with the blood of her foes. They cut a swath through the orc line. Most of the party made it through without harm a few bore arrows and slashes. All made it through. This was the last of it. Lorien's borders ahead. Finnola turned to make an arc back . The trouble now to their back. She was joined by Glorfindel and several other elven soldiers. They cut through the filth keeping them back as the others made for Lorien . Finally breaking off to ride for the border. A few orc give chase. Finnola's war horse was at his limits. His body covered in sweat . Foam drips from his mouth. She had a good distance between herself and the orcs when tragedy struck.

He just couldn't go any further. He began to slow . Finnola holding on as He came to a wobbly stop . She leaps from his back moments before he collapses. " No NO NO ! Come on mate and get up. It's not that far. We will have rest and food. Come on now. " She was beginning to sob. "you can't go yet. Not yet ." She was on her knees her head against the horses. Glorfindel turned to see what happened.

He slowing and turning going back for her. " Come on ! Finnola we must go . Go now. " He reached his hand out desperately . She pulled away from her horse and grabbed her spear and pack. She takes his hand and with a leap she is behind him . His horse takes off . A bit slower with her weight. Her sword in hand . " We have company. " She said before swinging her sword He adjusting for her movements.

"Asca asca lle vanima onna i' aute en' ohta anta lle val" He calls to his mount. Then from somewhere the horse finds his speed again.

The Caravan passed into the Lands of Lorien. A few minutes later Glorfindel and Finnola make it into the trees. Arrows being loosed to drive the orc back. Finnola was hearing nothing but her own hearts racing. It thundered in her ears. Glorfindel slowly comes to a stop. The army of Lorein around them in the trees. Finnola slides off the back of Glorfindel's horse . She throws her sword to the ground . The Dragonsfang thrust in the ground making it shake slightly. Her packs thrown .Her hands in fists . She throws her head back and screams . Everyone around them stopped and watched the Giantess.

She took a few steps and screamed again . Her body doubling over as she screams with her tears. Her knees hitting the ground. She continues her path until she was bent with her head touching the forest floor. Her pain was palatable. Everyone could feel it . Glorfindel slowly approached the grieving Giant. Falling on his knees before her. Her shoulders shook violently. The elves looked on with heavy hearts. He reached out and gently touched her head. His fingers caressing through her golden hair which clumped with sweat , blood and dirt.

"Seere a' lle amin vanima norsa. Seere ar' mela" He whispered to her. The words meant to calm her seemed to barely touch the grief.

Celeborn watched the scene. He speckled with the dark blood of orcs. Wearing the filth of battle he watched The Mighty Giant grieve for her best friend. Glorfindel stayed right with her. His hand caressing her head and finally she lifts it. He surrounds her in his arms and pulls her to his breast. The Greatest Warrior the elves had ever known cradled The Goddess of war and offered her as much comfort as he could. "Let them be for now. Then get them food and shelter . They need rest and the peace of the forest." Celeborn commanded in hushed tones.


Elthians voice rose and Tauriel pressed her hand over his mouth. Her body crushed against his as she pinned him to the stone wall of the garden. " You will listen to me Elthian. Ada can not over see everything concerning Juniper right now. She feels rushed by the recent events. She knows her purpose lies in those dreams. She also knows the danger. " She eyed him then slowly released him.

"This is fool hearty. " He began but managed to keep his voice low.

"This is what she says she needs to do. I am supporting My Queens wishes. You know the one we are to serve. The king is busy making war to protect her. We are to support her until this is over. " She argued. " She knows more of this than she realizes Elthian. She is key to all this. Let her help in the ways she can. "

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