Chapter 97: It happened one night

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Trigger Warning. Violence and the mention of child abuse with no graphic details.

With his new purpose Minogos made a few changes. He never returned to the tavern. Now he went to an even seedier part of the tent city just outside of the city that was being constructed. Allowing his true appearance to be seen. he easily took a job at one of the establishments that offered entertainment in the form of dancers.

While Male there were more men that offered themselves to him in one form or the other than women, but he did receive offers from both. Some he took , some he strung along and others he would out right refuse. Naturally he made the place a lot of coins and he was treated like a star. Those who came to him saw him as fair and beautiful and often would be so seduced they engaged in pillow talk.

This was how he learned of several things. One there was still slavery in the city. Two indeed his father was right. There were those that would seek to possess the Queen rather than allow her to rule. He never killed where he worked or lived. That was the rule that was taken to heart.

He had enough evidence against several men in this city to decide he would lay down the sentence for them. All of them see him as nothing more than a fair faced toy to play with when they were away from their wives for the night. Tonight would bring an uproar among the tent dwellers. He braided his hair up and tucked it under a scarf of crimson about his head. He clad himself in soft black leather. It had been so very long since he felt it against his flesh.

His boots were black as well. About the lower half of his face he tied a black mask made of leather and over his head was a dark cowl. Strapped to his back was two scimitars. It was one of the edged weapons he was most proficient with. Across his chest were several small knives and every hiding spot he could think of was some type of weapon He could use. He often used two daggers he carried strapped to his thighs.

He was ready for any situation he may face. This beautiful kind dancer was the most deadly thing within 100 square miles. He left his dwelling at the Tavern and none would see him. After all if he did not want to be seen he wasn't seen. He slipped from shadow to shadow with such ease. Moving around the tent city was easy. It was when he entered the newly built homes, that only the wealthy seemed to be living in so far, did he have a problem.

The dirt streets were more heavily guarded. The homes guarded as well. In his hand was a very small yet razor sharp knife, held downward the blade closer to his pinkie finger. He slipped up behind one of the guards. He decided last minute to not kill him. Perhaps it was his conscious getting the better of him. With ease he choked the guard out and left him in the darkness.

Over the wall and into the garden the dark clad man did go. Hiding in the freshly planted foliage. Leaving behind two more sleeping guards. These men he knew nothing of. The ones inside though, that was another story. Up he would climb, using a trellis to reach the largest balcony above. The door left open to allow the cool night time breeze inside. The curtains billowed in the breeze and he looked into the darkness and saw him. Curris was his name. All believed he was in the shipping business. Funding several caravans. His main source of money was prostitution. He was nothing more than a pimp to unfortunate women.

He also was one of the main members of this group that wanted to over throw the elves and take the Queen for themselves. Curris lay in a large bed with a much younger woman, that was not his wife. She more than likely just one of the servants of his house. It was far too easy. His hand over the mans mouth the blade slitting his throat as if it were warm butter.

His eyes wide, Minogos looked deeply into them as the life slipped from his body. The warm blood soaking the sheets under him. The woman did not even awaken. Just as quietly as he had slipped in He slipped out , unseen and unheard. He was long gone before the guards would awaken. He was already moved on to his next target. Several streets away was the home of Nissen. Nissen kept the books for this organization. Nissen loved children, Far too much.

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