Chapter 35: The Battle for the Woodland Realm

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The pieces on the board were falling into place. Legolas and Gimli rode out with Vesryn and his troops. Thranduil rode out with Nilastiel and Lysanthir. Thranduil on Memna Looking regal as ever. He prayed to the Valar that everything was falling into place and that they would be victorious today. . "Eru, Manwe, Varda. Any who would hear my prayer. Please bestow upon me victory against the darkness today. Please make my losses few and theirs many. Please help me save our people."

She had hitched a ride with a warrior of Gondor. She having wiggled into his saddle bag . The Calvary unit was positioned behind the infantry. She didn't know if the Calvary would charge in or the infantry. She wasn't that knowledgeable on battle tactics. She would do her best to keep her promise and stay hidden and out of the way. There was a scent on the air. She sniffed and made a face in disgust. It was a foul smell. Though she had no idea what it was . How could she? She had never been in the company of Orcs. It was faint and she doubted the humans could smell it.

It wasn't long before the elves were engaged in the battle . The first wave took place along the edge of the forest. Within the trees it made the archers useless. This was now hand to hand combat . Lines were difficult to form but the first wave was easily defeated . They were supposed to be after all. This little battle was suppose to make the elves feel confident . This supposed to make them charge into the open battle and the massive army waiting for them beyond the trees. Thranduil played his part well and ordered the charge to follow the retreating orcs right on cue. Nilastiel was almost beside himself with glee. Knowing that soon the army would be dead and the Woodland Realm would be all his. Then it was just a matter of sacking Lorien and taking the Fairy Queen to his Master.

The elven army charged . Bursting from the thick forest into the the more open edge . Fewer trees and more open area. This is where they should meet there fate. All Thranduil had to do was last long enough for the ambush to happen from the flanks. The charge would slow Thranduil would call for lines to be formed . Across the field they could see the black sea of Orc and Goblin . Well formed and prepared for battle . Not the rag tag disorganized army Nilastiel had sold to Him and the council.

"leithio I philin" Thranduil screams as a sea of elvish arrows begin the fly . This was followed by a volley of orc arrows. Now the Orcs were charging into the Elvish line and Nilastiel and Lysanthir seem to disappear.

Now they were moving . Really moving . The one that bore her was at full gallop and the smell became stronger. Wide eyed . Her heart racing . She looked ahead and could see the sea of orc ahead . That's when she realized what the smell was. It was time for her to bid her rider farewell and she hopes he would survive the battle . She flew . She was fast as she zigged and zagged through the charge of the horses. There were trees not far off. She would be safer in the forest.

The horn of Gondor was blown Thranduil would hear it and grin. She had completed her mission. Soon after another horn would be heard. This one from Rohan from the opposite side. Nilastiel and Lysanthir would freeze in their tracks. "why do I hear the horns of the men?" Nilastiel would growl "We have been set up."Lysanthir answered. " this makes no sense . We had spies everywhere there was no messages sent . There was no call for aid." Nilastiel was shaking with anger.

She was finally in the trees . Up high and looking down. There were Orc and elves fighting . Elves and Orcs lay on the ground bleeding. She would perch on high branches and watch . An orc hits the tree as it stumbles back . Shaking the tree she was on forcing her to take flight again. Now there was fire. The orcs setting fire to the forest to try and cut off the escape for the elves.

She found herself dodging flames and zipping through the trees. Arrows were being loosed as well. Dodging them she would make a single mistake . Hitting a branch hard she saw stars then blackness . Her small body landing lightly on the ground. She would awake in the middle of a fight. Large feet stamp around her . She gets to her feet . Evades being trampled and makes it to a tree.

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