Chapter 79: Confessions

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Gandalf barges into Thranduil's tent. Juniper curled on the throne nursing her newborn child. She had not seen Gandalf in weeks really. Now there he was standing before her. He stood there quietly, Just staring at the Mother and Child. Two Fae in Middle Earth.

" So You are a Mother again?" He smiled and she nodded. " Orist will have his hands full protecting her wont he. He will be fending off the suitors. " He teased her . She was very happy to see him and motioned him closer.

"Now come tell me what has you like this. You seem even more frazzled than normal." She motioned for him to sit.

He moved to a chair and lowered down into it . His white robes splay out as his legs stretch. "Valinor is in an uproar. I must see your Husband Quickly . Your new friend needs to be spoken to. "

She just looked at Gandalf. "Minol is not new to me but you know that He is being as forth coming as he can be. "

"Is he? " Gandalf gave her the eye which made her cringe.

" I am supposed to dine with him tonight Why don't you join us. I'm sure that would make Thranduil very happy. " She mutters the last part.

Gandalf watches the expression on her face and then can see the sadness that twinges her eyes. " Juniper, Thranduil's protections are very much warranted at this time. Please try and understand. "

Her gaze just lifted to Gandalf's holding it for several moments. " You do not understand . No one ever listens to me. Most of this would not have happened ... if I were listened to. The way he spoke to me frightened me Gandalf. It really did. Of course he went all kind and mushy right after but ... He .." She got up with her now sleeping baby . Adjusting her dress to cover her breast. She moved to the basket and lay her child down carefully. " The look in his eyes was violent Gandalf."

Gandalf left the tent in a huff and began to move through the camp with purpose. Thranduil was actually speaking with the representatives of the peoples she would meet today. Which was not easy considering these weren't westron speaking peoples and Sindarin was a no go. His brows lift when he spots those white robes coming towards him. "Mithrandir finally shows up. " He excused himself from the meeting and headed towards him.

" I just saw Melian. She is truly beautiful My Lord. You have been blessed in more way than one. "

Thranduil stops a few feet away and grinned. " Well you know how to make one feel more accommodating with every word Mithrandir. That being said You should have been here days ago. Where were you?"

"Now now where I have been is ... well it's important but something else concerns me My Lord. Juniper said you spoke to her in a way that frightened her. " His voice trailed off when Thranduil's posture stiffened.

" I frightened her?" He asked softly. Then looked to Gandalf.

" Indeed my Lord . She said there was violence in your eyes." He stepped back with an expressionless face . Everything was reflected in his eyes. Disbelief turning to discovery then to acceptance and guilt.

" I would never harm her." His deep voice muttered. "This is all so terrifying Mithrandir. This is a world I know nothing about. Her world. Minol is dangerous. I stand next to him and begin to feel small and knowing that they were in love. I'm terrified of losing her to him or to death. "

Gandalf sighed and stepped closer. " I need to tell you what the Valar have said on all this. "

Thranduil follows Gandalf to the war tent. It was spelled like several of the others. Nothing said within it would be heard outside it. They were alone and the guard, ordered to not disturb them. Thranduil hands Gandalf a glass of wine and they both sit.

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