Chapter 104: The Call

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She had seen many things in her long life. She had never seen anyone be taken like she had just seen. Despite her initial beatings and torments she had other wise been treated well. Her wounds tended. Her belly fed decent food. She was not cold nor left to the elements. He both suffered and dove into the depths of ecstasy. There was no mistake in what she saw in his eyes. They locked on each other moments before his orgasm. Sometime in the night she had been tossed a blanket and she now huddled in the corner trying to sleep and not think about what she had witnessed.

It was a gentle hand that woke her. It caressed over her head and down along the line of her cheek. "You are quite attractive under the muck aren't you. " He was speaking to her. Not in a harsh demanding tone but just gentle and calm. "I need you to listen very carefully. " She didn't move but he could tell she was not asleep. "It is a dangerous game I play. I must walk the line perfectly and you are going to help me. I promise I will not mistreat you, That being said You will have to engage in some things you and I both would rather not happen."

He leaned in closer . She could feel the heat from his body. He was very warm. His scent like a sweet camp fire and spice. His fingers gentle light caresses over her arm. "These moments will happen and it would be great if you fought like hell but secretly consent to it happening. I swear that I will take care of you and not allow any real harm to befall you just please trust me. The next few hours are going to be rough." He laid it all out for her. If she behaved and helped him she would be taken care of. Protected . He was up to something and he might be her only way to survive this.

Now she played along. Grunting softly and squirming just a bit as if she were finally waking up. When her eyes opened he grabbed her face roughly and looked her deep in the eye. "You will obey me or suffer what you choose I care not . Both are quite fun for me." The chain released for her ankle He stepped back and snapped his fingers. "Rise and follow me. 2 steps back. At all times unless otherwise commanded. Do I make myself clear?" He looked at her still kneeling . That red hair falling down over her shoulders. shaking as she slowly got to her feet.

Standing naked and bruised. He shook his head. " Oh that wont do. " He spun about and strolled through his Master's belongings. Finally choosing a tunic for her . He moved as if he belonged there. That doing just what he did was allowed. He had power here. He approached her and she stepped back . The garment dangles from his finger. "Dress yourself. " Gladly she took the tunic and pulled it on. finding it was large and fell down over her thighs. she followed him obediently from the bed chamber of Morgoth himself. She had to get word to Minogos. Somehow she would just play the game for now.

He lead her through the palace. Those same eyes that had watched him enter now watched him as he was leaving. His present in tow. Some of the owners of those eyes began to think very stupid things. Boldly coming from the shadows to leer at the other half breed. This one a busty red head. To say she was becoming popular with the troops would be an understatement. Stopping now she did also and he pulled her closer. "Any who touch what is mine will loose the limb they touch her with I make that promise to all of you."

She was smart and stayed behind him . Her body against his so he knew where she was the whole time. She had done this with Minogos. When he was teaching her about defending and fighting. He pulled a whip from his belt and pushed her back against the wall. They moved in slowly so once he was in his defendable position he simply waited for them to make their move. "stay closer than my shadow." His voice was deep in her ears. "Yes Master." she said with a bit of a grin.

His eyes began to reflect the flames of the torches. The fire within him visible . The whip begins to glow with his fire. She feeling his body beginning to use the whip she was able to judge his moves. learning his tells quickly. Each step he took she mimicked and stayed behind him and against him. Sweeping her body along with his movements. She was like a fine glove. He just couldn't believe it. His whip removed fingers and hands. An arm or two. Soon his movement stopped and she could hear the cries of the maimed creatures. "stay close but move fast. " He began to back her out of the area and towards the door way.

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