Chapter 110: Shock, Prejudice and Realized Love.

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The Fellowship reached the Iron Hills. Indeed their treatment had been as Durin had warned them. Until they were brought before the Lord of the Iron Hill. While most of the dwarves of the Iron Hills had moved on to Erebor, some stayed behind to continue to work the mines. In the 68 years since Erebor had been reclaimed these dwarves numbers had grown. Frerin the second was the Lord of the Iron Hills now.

They would not stay in the Iron Hills long. This was meant to be but a stop on the map and a supply stop as well. The Fellowship's need would be great for where they were now going so little was known and acquiring supplies might be hard. Frerin spoke at length with Gandalf and gave him a grievous warning.

"Dark things come from the east Gandalf." He said lowly. "Things we have no name for. Things far worse than the children of Ungoliant. Always be aware. Always be listening. You will hear them long before you see them."

As they left the Iron Hills Gandalf rode in silence and pondered the warning he had been given. 'These must be the things Jeven had spoken of. ' He mused. Looking over his shoulder at the Avanati warrior. He hoped they would have no need to Jeven's skills yet something told him they would.

They traveled North of the Rhun. Encountering a few villages that dotted the plains before they reached a swath of desert. "The town I most recently inhabited is not far from here Gandalf. I would suggest we stop there. Replenish our water. We will needed it. Not to mention I know we will have shelter there. " Minogos smiled to the Wizard.

"Very well then. Lets go there. I also suspect you have another reason to want to go." Gandalf eyed Minogos. He said nothing just smiled to the wizard and rode ahead.

Glorfindel had not been to the east. He had heard tales of Cuivienen and the great journey to the west. Even met many of the original elves to awake on shores of the sea. This for him felt like a pilgrimage. Heading to the birth place of his ancestors. He if asked, would admit to being eager to see it all. Even more so he was eager to tell her about it. Finnola was never far from his thoughts.

He had never been so close to a female. Their bond was strong and he could feel her even now if he closed his eyes and thought of her. He was riding with a distant look in his eyes. It was Tauriel who would bring him back to reality.

"I can see you miss her." She had ridden up beside him and he had not even noticed . Her words made him blink and he looked over to the Elleth.

"Of course I miss her. He is my Goddess and I worship the very ground she walks upon." He said with a grin. "As much as I wish she could see all this with me I know she is better suited where she is . Protecting the Queen I feel is what she is meant for. "

Tauriel smiled gently. "I am glad she has you."

Her words made him raise his brows. "Even if I took her from your brother?" He asked.

Tauriel laughed. " You did not take her. Legolas pushed her away and right into your arms Glorfindel. You should thank him some day."

Glorfindel scowled. " Aye and start a fight? I think not. "

It was mid day when they were coming upon the town Minogos was leading them to. As they neared it was obvious the town he had left behind was now in ruins. He stopped his horse and stared at it. "Bynsarda." He said lowly and spurred his mount into a hard fast gallop. "Minogos wait!" Gandalf called after him but he heard him not. He had to slow when he entered the rubble filled streets.

The survivors huddling in the shadows. Fearful of him until he was recognized by one of them.

"It's the dancer. " He said. "It is safe . It's the dancer."

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