Chapter 107: Master and Servant

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Within his halls it was quiet. He did not wish to be bothered by the noises of daily life. Truly what his warriors did when they were not on the battlefield was none of his concern. As long as they obey there was not much else he wanted from them. Within his halls it was quiet.

This body he had taken was quite beautiful. He admired it in the mirror. The sleekness of it. The way the muscles moved under the skin. Not a blemish upon it. He turned from the mirror and pulled the softness of his robe about around his frame. It was hot down here. The walls glow with the deep orange and red of the source of that heat. The small streams of lava that run along the edges of his walls.

Here he did not feel that cold sensation. The cold of the void. It was now part of him and he hated it. From the corner of his eye he noticed the glow from the back of his chambers. It was so seductive. Why not indulge in it's warmth. He moved slowly. Each step was long and flowing. The closer he got to the light the more he smiled.

Laying on a soft bed atop a stone pillar lay an elf. He appeared to only be sleeping. His long dark hair well cared for. Shimmering and soft flowed down over a satin pillow and dangled down in shimmering streams of inky black. He wore a tunic of blue velvet with lines of gold lace about the hem. His leggings of soft buckskin were a light brown and on his feet brown leather boots that gleamed in the light. His features were so fair. His skin pale and cold. He reached out his hand to caress the elf's cheek. It felt of the smoothest polished stone. Yet it was alive.

Clasped in his hands was the source of the light. The most beautiful light in all of Arda. Almost comparable to the Flame Imperishable. He could not touch that light. Nor would the soft long fingered hands of the elf who held it open. "Soon my love. Soon you will awaken and give me all that you possess. Then I will have the power you keep from me now and You will be mine." He leaned down to kiss the forehead of the elf. Then rose and walked away. There was much to do.


They traveled through the night. As the sun rose they had finally reached the edge of Thranduil's Kingdom. Here at the border they could see the Lake and the newly build Lake Town. Which looked charming now. It's brightly colored houses shone in the first suns light. Tauriel had different memories of Lake Town. Seeing it after so long made her heart ache. Jeven did not know the whole story.

She wanted to be alone . Moving her horse to a flanking position away from everyone . Her mood change was worrying. Soon she was riding a head and he sighed. Gandalf rode up beside Jeven. "It had occurred to me that You do not know the story of the Dragon and Lake Town."

Jeven looked to the wizard and shrugged a bit. "I know that a Dragon burned it into much ash and charcoal. That is why the men of Lake Town went to the ruins of Dale."

The wizard nodded. " well. Tauriel was there. She and Legolas had followed a band of orc that were going to attack Lake Town. Tauriel found the Dwarves there. The one she was in love with was gravely injured and dying. She healed him than saved King Bards Children from the fire. As you know King Bard along with his son killed the Dragon. "

Gandalf sighed then. "It was later during the Battle of Five Armies that She did loose him. He was killed right in front of her Jeven. So be patient . This journey is never easy for her. "

Jeven nodded and went silent. He just wished she would open up to him about this. He wished to hear the story from her lips.

Hiroc rode in the back with Minogos. "Where did they get this horse for you uncle? It's huge." Minogos asked.

He pat the beasts neck and shrugged. "They call it a War horse. It can carry me a long distance but will not run very fast the elves said. "

"No worries Uncle if we get into trouble I will protect you and you slow horse." Minol just smiled and Hiroc grumbled.

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