Chapter 149: In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

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'The air is cleaner now.' Legolas was thinking as he moved along one of the stone paths. It had just finished raining and water dripped from branches over head. He had been making notes of all the changes he was seeing in the days since the fall of the dark lord and the rising of the tree. He even had a small notebook he wrote these notes down in. It had rained everyday at least once over the last month. Each time everything was just cleaner. The filth that had permeated the land was really washing away.

He continued on his way. They had been given residence there for as long as they needed, here in the mothers garden. It was far more than a garden. It was a whole small village. There were many dwellings and all of the Avanati that stayed here were caretakers of this place. As Legolas walked along the curve in the path he could see Ryu sitting with a few of the shrine maidens. They were simply enjoying the moments after the rain. They under an awning on a large stone bench. Ryu saw him and smiled to him. He nodded his head and smiled back to her. The maidens around her lower their heads and giggle.

Yes this place was magical. Not just in appearance. Magic has always been strong here but now it was overflowing with it. The more he learned about this place the more he learned about the history they lovingly kept. He felt a far deeper connection to these people.

The clouds opened up and bright rays of sunshine began to spill down over the garden itself. He looked out over it as he continued on his way. The hot spring at the center, surrounded by grass so green he had to question if he had ever really known what green was. Stone paths took you through it. Beds of lilies and large purple and golden blossoms of flowers he did not know the names of. There were small ponds with their own waterfalls replenishing them. In their crystal clear depths were many brightly colored fish. Large evergreen trees gave shade to parts of the garden and other parts it was fruiting trees with pink blossoms. Here near the water it was enormous weeping willows that hung over the water.

Her house was beside the spring and in the heart of the garden. It was a wooden structure that was ornately decorated with all manner of flowering plants carved into the wood and painted in painstaking detail so that they looked real and alive. The walls of her house opened up to let in fresh air and sunlight and when you sat inside you felt outside. In the center of the large open room as a large bed that was lower to the floor.

Legolas took the steps up onto the deck of the house and he could see his father sitting beside the bed. One of his books opened on his lap. He had been reading to her. Legolas stopped, he did not wish to interrupt them. His eyes looked to her. The bruises had faded and only a few discolored yellowing places remained on her face. She had been asleep since the night Morgoth fell and the tree appeared. That had been 5 weeks ago.

"It's alright ion nin, I think she enjoys visitors. In fact its time we let her friends come see her before they depart." Thranduil turned and looked to his son and managed a smile.

"That is what I was coming to tell you Ada, the first group of our own are planning to leave tomorrow. Will you see them off in the morning?" Legolas moved deeper into the house and lowered to sit on the low sitting bench next to his father.

Thranduil nodded as he closed the book on his lap and set it beside him. "Yes I will see them off. They have been away from home for far too long. All of us have." He trailed off and looked to her.

Legolas knew his father fairly well. He outwardly appeared stoic and strong. He could see the signs though. The signs of worry, grief and weariness. "You should rest too Ada." He said lowly. His concern for his father only grew each day Juniper remained asleep.

Thranduil smiled gently and looked over to his son. "I do, and thank you for being concerned. Ryu was just here not long ago. She went with the shrine maidens. She has really blossomed along the way Legolas. She is going to make a very good wife for you. You won't get away with anything." Thranduil began to chuckle.

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