Chapter 102: Gardens

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They slipped out of the elven camp before the sun had even risen. Thranduil would not allow her to ride Buttercup on the return trip. Buttercup instead patrolled the forest around the caravan. Juniper rode with Thranduil. Memna taking each step with care. Juniper lay against the massive neck of the beast and slept. Ryu rode with Legolas. She sat facing him her arms and legs wrapped around him. Even as she slept she was tense and clinging to him. As if she were to let go would mean her life was forfeit. He wrapped her in his cloak and held her as well. He found it curious that when he held her she did not have bad dreams.

They rode through the night. The human children placed in dreamless sleep . Protected in a well fortified wagon. Having them sleep was the easiest and best for them. They would not be stressed by the long ride. It barely even registered with either fae when they reached home. Both so exhausted and painful. They were quickly whisked away inside. It was the middle of the night when Ryu finally woke. Her stirring woke Legolas Who had fallen asleep in the chair beside the bed. He leaned forward and smiled. "Well it seems you have returned. I imagine you are hungry if not you need to eat regardless." she looked around feeling a bit confused at first. "We are home?" He chuckled softly. "Indeed, this is my room in Ada's Chambers. We thought perhaps you would be more comfortable here close to the Queen." She pushed the covers back and started to get up though she was sore and winced. "I need the privy." she muttered and Legolas helped her up. Though her legs were not working well. He simply picked her up and carried her towards it. Her dark eyes widen. "I will get you there. The rest will be up to you." He assured her.

He stood outside the privy and waited for her . His eyes lifted when he heard her sobbing within. He called through the door that he was coming in . She was leaning against the vanity. Then began to slide to the floor . He reached out and caught her then sank to the floor with her. She rested in his lap and he held her close and just let her cry as much as she needed. He looked up to see both shadow and shade there. Their concern was palatable. They cared for her. They forced to be bound to her by their shared lives. Cared for her not just for that but because they loved her too.

Legolas spoke to them. Their goal was mutual. "She must eat or she will just get weaker. She needs special care that we need to give her." The wraiths looked to each other. He spoke to them as if they were equal to Him and this was something quite new. "We?" Shade asked. "Yes . Me and you. The King and Queen . All of us. Are you not part of this too?" He said softly. They nodded in agreement. If they had hearts they would have fluttered then. They were counted among these beings. "We will help. What can we do. Just tell us." Shadow answered this time.

"You can make sure she eats and drinks. If I am not around you will need to look after her. For now though can you go make sure there is food for her in the study. I think that would be the most comfortable place for her to eat. " They eagerly nodded and disappeared. His hands found her cheeks and he lifted her head . His thumbs passed tenderly over her wet cheeks. "I can not imagine the pain you are in Ryu. I can not even understand how you feel but I can take care of you. You may not like me all the time but I will make sure you are well. Understand. " He lost in those dark depths of her eyes. His own visage reflected back to him. "Thank you." her voice whispered with a bit of gravel to it.

Carefully getting to his feet and lifting her into his arms. "You need some honey tea for that throat. I would love to hear your voice. You sound like a frog." She blinked at him and he pursed his lips together to stifle the laugh. "This made her smile and look down. He was poking fun at her and it was funny . It also meant she truly was part of it all.

Light spilled from the study as he carried her . He heard voices within . His Adar's baritone rolling from the opened door. Then the gentle sing song voice of Juniper. "oh shut up and hand me the syrup. " She laughed "Your only doing this to lift my spirits." He pulled the bottle back from her hand. "Is it working?" he quip. They entered the study to see Juniper glaring at Thranduil and saying firmly. "I am hungry Melamin and I would like Syrup." Her lips were twitching as they stared at each other . They were both struggling to not laugh and he slides to syrup to her. "truce" he said then looked over .

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