Chapter 28: The Ruse

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She was being lead to what she had learned was a Royal Wagon. It was large and adorned in the regalia of Her kingdom. Sweeping vines and flowers all carved from the wood of the forest and painted in tones and green the flowers white with golden centers. Thranduil stopping before the opened door. Shisha climbing inside would act as her handmaid. Ninnel needed to be home with her family.

Juniper was openly sobbing . She did not care if it was seen as Unlady like or not Queenly. Thranduil even crouched down so he could be more on her level . His thumbs wiping away her tears . He pulled her in close . His head against her breast . She wrapping her arms around him her head down on his . Her tears falling into the silken silver of his hair .

" I do not want to go to Lorien. " She cried. His arms around her as He rose Lifting her from her small feet . She slides down his chest and clings to him . Her face buried against his shoulder.

" My love you must go. It will be safe for you there. Lady Galadriel will take good care of you for me and you will see soon enough our new military leaders will have this whole mess cleared up." He kissed her deeply and placed her on the steps of the wagon . " I will see you soon My love . Please give my regards to the Lady . " She was crying as she stepped into the wagon and had a seat . Thranduil standing beside Elthian .

Within a few seconds she gasps and poked her head outside the door. " I forgot my purse. " She points to it . Elthian swooped down and grabbed it up . " Here My Lady ." She sat back in the wagon and he leans in to pass it to her .

As he stepped back the door closed. The windows shuttered for her protection. He Looked to Tauriel who was mounted on her horse behind the Wagon. " Take care of our Queen well. " He said and the party would be off . Riders in front and riders in back . Thranduil looked unhappy about the situation and turned without a word to move back into the Fortress.


It was dark and moonless. A lone hooded figure moved through the Forest. Making no sound . He moved in shadows unseen. Finally he emerged on the rivers bank . A small boat waiting . He slipped into the boat and it shoved off from the bank and float soundlessly down the river. Not a word was spoken until they were the wider expanse of water and heading into the long lake.

"We will be in Lake town soon. I am confused I thought I would be taking 2 passengers. " The boatman spoke as he worked the oars .

Elthian spoke lowly and looked to the man. His silver blue eyes lifting. " You are King Brand. " Brand looked even more confused. "All will make sense once we are safe The King thanks you greatly for your help on this ."

Brand chuckled softly. " My Line will never forget what your King did for my Grand Da and My people. There is no need for thanks."

They arrived uneventfully into lake town . The boat left at a dock the 2 men slipped into lake town without so much as a side way glance and into one of the houses. There in the safety of the walls Elthian removed his cloak and pulls a pouch carefully from a strap across his chest .

King Brand too pulled his cloak off and sat at a simple table. The pouch placed on the table and as Elthian opened it He smiled and said. " King Brand of Dale . I present you with Queen Juniper of Greenwood."

She crawled out . Gasping and even coughing a bit . A very tiny woman with shimmering wings . She wore nothing but a bit of cloth she had wrapped around herself. " It was getting a bit stuffy in there. " She remarked, then look to the one she was told was King Brand. " It is lovely to meet you My Lord. " she said with a smile and a sweeping bow.

He said nothing . He just stared at her with jaw agape. Her brows lift and she steps closer looking at him with concern. " Are you ok? " He blinked several times and would look to Elthian and then to her and back again . His hand motioning to the small winged woman .

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