Chapter 46: Surprise Part 1

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Juniper had been a bit sore at him ever since the trip to see the healers. He was wanting to make it up to her. He had his saddle bags packed and Memna ready to go. Elthian had several guards already out in the forest making sure the paths he wished to take were clear and the spot he wished to take her was safe. She had not ventured far from the fortress in a while now. Mostly because she as afraid to. The sun had not risen when he was waking her.

"Juniper." He whispered in her ear before kissing the very tip . This would make her wiggle a bit. "Juniper wake up." He whispered again and this time kissed lower on the soft lobe.

She smiles and squirms. "What is it?" she whimpers .

He brushes the hair from her shoulder and kisses the bare flesh there. " You need to get up my love I have a surprise for you." His arm wrapped around her small frame.

" Oh? what is it?" she said sleepily.

" A smile graces his lips and he laughs softly. " You need to wake up to find out . " Her body stretches out and she rolls to her back looking to him. Her vision still blurry from sleep. "Come on my love . Its very early and we need to go ." He takes her small hand and helps her to sit up. "go where?" He laughs. "It's a surprise."

She falls back into the bed . "Surprise me later."

He crawls over her then . Pressing kisses to her small nose then to each eye. Down over her cheeks . She squirms under him . The kisses continue down her jaw and over her neck . She begins to giggle.

"Ok ok I'm up " she pushes at him .

" I'm not sure you are." He continues to find more places to kiss. Lips against her forehead then over to the other shoulder .

Her eyes open she grins " If you keep doing that we will just end up in bed all day."

He rises from her and scoops her up . She gasps and laughs as he puts her over his shoulder and walks off with her. " Thranduil wait . Don't I need to change or something? "

His hand smooths over her linen covered backside and gives it a soft smack or 2 . " No my love not today. "

He carried her down the secret corridor her body dangling over his shoulder for a while before he would place her down on her small bare feet.

" No breakfast?" She asked.

He shook his head. "Not until we get there."

"We can't go too far. I don't feel safe." She protested.

He takes her hand into his as they neared the end of the passage. " Do you trust me to keep you safe? "

She peeked up at him. " Yes ."

There was gentle light coming from the opening at the end. " Do you trust Elthian and his guards? "

She nods. " Yes."

He stops right at the mouth of the corridor and looks to her. " Then we should be fine. Now go Memna is waiting on us."

She eyed him a moment then scampered into the royal stables cheerfully calling . " Memna its been so long my friend."

She was on the back of Memna. Thranduil behind her. The pre-dawn hours were chilled and she was bundled in warm blankets and snuggled inside his cloak. Her small feet pressed against memna and under Thranduil's knees . The forest was still sleeping for the most part. The stars still shining brightly over head. She could see them through the breaks in the trees .

They rode for a while. Not really in any hurry . The pixie was enjoying being outside and seeing new things and listening to the night time forest around her. She knew the guards were out there. She knew they had made sure it was safe. So she could relax in the arms of her King.

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