Chapter 31: The Messenger

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Nilastiel walked with confidence . Each step pulsated with arrogance as well. Entering the King's office he stood very proudly . Thranduil held up a hand needing another moment to finish reading a missive he held in his hands and after a few moments his attention was on his new Commander .

" Tell me good news Nilastiel. Tell me I can bring my Queen home soon."

Nilastiel smiled pleasantly and nodded. " I do believe this will be possible soon My Lord. We are scouring every inch of the realm. We have eradicated several goblin incursions in the east and orc corpses burn in the west. Though there has been no sign of these mutated beasts I suspect whatever attacked the village is hiding well . Its just a matter of time before we oust it."

Thranduil in what was is normal emotionless way nodded and praised Nilastiel and was gracious and thanked him for his efforts. He even went as far as to offer him and his family new accommodations In the Royal wing.

Nilastiel practically salivated at this. " My Lord your praise is enough."

Thranduil saw right through his false humility but didn't make any indication of it. " I insist . Tell your family in the coming week they will be living in grand chambers. Now I have many boring things to tend I look forward to all of this being over soon. "

Nilastiel bows and responds in kind . " I do as well ... My Lord." He turned and practically struts from the office.


Tauriel Had arrived in Rohan only to find the ones she sought were not in Edoras but at the Glittering caves. She immediately left and rode at full gallop until the night to reach the caves . There she would find a camp and even guards posted who stopped her and questioned her.

" I am Tauriel. I come with urgent messages from Greenwood. I told you already . I need to see the King . "

The men of Rohan were very cautious perhaps even paranoid it seemed. Legolas stepped from a tent and suddenly she was much relieved. " Legolas! " She called out and He looked to her his eyes widen. He moved quickly towards them

" Hey let her through. "

The guards shrug and step aside. Tauriel eyeing them both as she moved to Legolas.

" I think they were trying to flirt with you. " Legolas' nose curled a bit at the idea "Why are you here ? "

Tauriel looked as if she was about the fall over . He quickly reached out and supported her. How many days had she rode without rest? He wondered.

" I have urgent messages . For you, Mithrandir and The King of Rohan. Please I need to sit and some food. " Her legs had begun to tremble and Legolas growled lowly angry that she had not taken care of herself. He scooped her into his arms and head for his own tent .She had fallen asleep in his arms.

Entering his tent Finnola stood up her lips parted in a gasp seeing the female elf. "What has happened?" She asked and quickly began to fix a place for him to lay the elf down.

" She must have rode many days and nights without really stopping . She did not eat properly or take a moment to rest an elf can ride many days and nights if they eat and rest a few hours. Can you go get your Cousin and Gandalf ? She says she has messages for them from My Father. " She nodded and left the tent quickly. Legolas began to heal her as best he could. just so she could deliver her messages then food and rest would do its part.

She awoke still feeling weak. She sat up quickly and it was Mithrandir who was there helping her drink some water . Legolas helping her stay upright. Her vision clearing she looked around the tent. Seeing faces she didn't know and faces she did. Her eyes falling on the biggest woman she had ever seen then shifting back to Mithrandir.

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