Chapter 121: History Lessons

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Elthian and Thranduil stood just inside the tent and watched the Queen pacing back and forth. Sure she was angry but this behavior was very out of the ordinary. Her breathing was fast and when Thranduil tried to speak she snarled and turned her head quickly her eyes honed in on him like she was a predator and he was the prey. Her pupils so wide there was very little purple left to her eyes.

He straightened up and blinked. Elthian looked as if he were a deer that had been spotted by a hunter and had frozen unsure of where the danger truly was. She turned slowly to fully face them. Her gaze shifting from Thranduil now to Elthian. Her eyes drifted down then back up only to shift back to Thranduil.

The King had an idea of what was happening. This was not Juniper not entirely. She closed the distance between them quickly and with a mighty leap she was on his chest . Her feet against his abdomen and her hands around his neck before he could react she had pushed with her legs and arched back. Her wings flap and he found himself being pulled forward and flipped to the ground . She landing on top of him.

She was unusually strong and quickly had his hands pinned beside his head. His eyes widened and in the moments he thought to fight back her lips were on his, kissing him harshly.

Elthian rushed to pull her off of the King . She broke the kiss and as he lowered down to pull her away her hand snatched the collar of his tunic and pulled him down with force. Her lips upon his just as viciously as she had kissed Thranduil.

"Elthian don't fight her." Thranduil shook his head and lay prone on the floor. Elthian shifted an eye to look at Thranduil who seemed to understand what was happening. His struggles eased and she pushed him back then pushed him to the floor.

"Stay." She growled at him and he did not move . Her attention back on Thranduil. Her hands clawed at his tunic ripping the fine silk open and leaving it in shreds. She pushed it to the sides and looked down over his chest. She could see the faint scars over his left side that were hidden from most eyes but not hers. Soft finger tips traced along them down to his hips as she pushed herself back against his thighs.

Her finger worked the laces of his leggings loose. He obliged and lifted his hips as she tugged them down and freed his flesh from the confines of soft buckskin. If Thranduil was to be honest with himself he was finding this rather arousing. Submitting to the desires of Queen other than his own.

Slowly she crawled over him . Her tongue slides up over his stomach slowly. Tasting his flesh and almost purring when moved to stare down into his eyes. "I can see why she enjoys you but does she even know what to do with you?"

Thranduil's eyes narrowed a bit at that question but before he could respond she had turned her attention to Elthian and pressed her fingers over the kings lips to keep him quiet.

Elthian lay silent on his side and like a beast she crawled from Thranduil over to him. Planning on giving him the same treatment. Pushing him to his back Thranduil was working his boots off gently and watching her with Elthian. Elthian began to sit up and her hands push to his shoulders and with more strength than he realized the fae could possess she forced him back hard. He winced from the pain in his shoulder . His arm still in a sling.

"Do not think you can over power me. You are injured and you are a weaker male than he is." She shoved her chin towards Thranduil.

"Weaker? How dare.." He began to choke as her hand pressed his his throat.

"Elthian do not fight. That is not Juniper. She will hurt you." Thranduil said as calmly as he could.

Elthian looked her in the eye. Black eyes ringed in purple. She grinned and removed her hand from his throat then started to rip into his clothing but he stopped her. "Please I will disrobe if you will allow me." She canted her head a bit then nodded. Her body sliding off of his. Thranduil had completely removed his boots and leggings by now the remains of his tunic lay under him.

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