Chapter 67: Everything I have done was done for you.

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The 3 kings gathered in Thranduil's chambers. They stood in the corridor talking and she sat on the edge of the bed . Her heels tapped lightly on the bed frame. Elthian stood beside her . She seemed unbothered by the weight of what would happen that could feel the Tension.

"Do you not feel that?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I feel what everyone is feeling In these chambers. But I know what I know Elthian. I know all this worry is not needed. " She smiled up at him. Her eyes follow his movement down as he sat beside her.

" Sometimes I wish I could see things like you do. You are the eternal optimist."

She hummed softly to herself and continued to bounce her heels on the bed frame.

The 3 kings spoke in the hall. Each laying out their worries. Some were the same and some were not.

"One thing I am confident on is that the 3 of us can pull her out if we needed. " Elrond said softly. " I have experienced that once and I know Thranduil has more than once."

Celeborn shook his head. " This is different. The mind she is diving into is far away. It's very powerful and old. We aren't even sure what it is. " He pointed out with a bit of venom in his words. " This is folly and I have said so from the moment she said she wanted to do this. "

"What does your wife say Celeborn?" Elrond asked .

"She can not say one way or the other on this. This future is clouded in the mirror. This usually means 50/50 one way or the other. " Celeborn forced himself to say lowly.

Thranduil stepped towards the door way and just watched her silently . Elthian keeping her occupied. Thranduil did not want to let this happened but he knew her. If he refused she would do it anyway and do it without him there. " She will find a way to do what she feels is right. " He spoke over his shoulder. " No matter how wrong we think it. She will do it anyway. Her heart is wild. It will not be tamed. She is a passionate creature driven to want to save everyone, even if it is foolish to do. "

Elrond and Celeborn went quiet for several minutes.

The king finally let out a sigh. "Valar help us." He said softly before walking into the room. The pixie perked up and smiled at him . Elthian rose from where he sat . " Are you ready Melamin? "

She nodded " Now you are sure you can make me sleep but I can still dream?"

Thranduil lowered to his haunches He took her hands. " yes and we will be right here while you sleep. " Elthian lowered the light in the room by blowing out the lanterns.

Juniper wiggled around and lay her head on the pillows. Thrandiul pressed a knee to the bed. His hands press beside her head. " You know I hate this Melamin. Please do not do this. " He spoke softly his lips brushing against hers. He was so scared and she was swayed by his emotion. Yet she had to. Her small hands slap to his cheeks lightly. She held his face and kissed him sweetly over and over.

" Have some faith in me Melamin. I am not unprotected even when I am asleep. " She kissed him again and He crawled over her and lay beside her. " I will move once you are really asleep . I just wanted to hold you a moment."

The others stayed politely in the corridor. Elthian by the door. Thranduil held the small silver fae against his chest. His hand slowly caressing her arm. " I love you " She whispered.

He smiled . "As I do you time to sleep. " He said softly and she relaxed against him. His words just a soft breeze across her small pointed ear. "lor-olui losta-sídheb "

She felt herself getting heavy and then she was asleep. He lay there a few moments before pulling himself carefully away. His presence often kept these dreams away. He moved into a corner and leaned into it . His eyes fixed on her . The others entered the room.

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