Chapter 98: Descendants

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Feren sat in silence. Waiting for his guest to arrive. He had far too many thoughts and was rather troubled. Soon the boy was entering his tent. He paused to drank in his surroundings. He had a fighters instinct. He was not admiring the furnishings. He was making himself aware. He was probably also looking for whatever he could use as a weapon if need be. Feren motioned to the chair across from him. The food already set out . "please have a seat Dorian." He spoke softly then seated himself and watched Dorian move to the chair and sit down.

"I know this has been a rather big day for you." He began as he lifted his fork and began to eat. Dorian does the same. "You have the qualities of a leader." He added and Dorian stopped eating to look at him with rather wide eyes. "The others look up to you and you protect them as best as you can. Those are leadership qualities." Feren explained. Dorian was now looking at him. His amber eyes narrow. "You try and butter me up. make me soft. wont work." he was matter of fact about it and now he speared his food eagerly and ate.

Feren smiled. He could not help it he just smiled. He was liking this boy more and more. "good though, it doesn't make it mean any less. I was serious. You shouldn't trust me. Nothing in your life has given you any reason to trust anyone other than your friends and your sister. If you trusted me I would think you a fool Dorian . " He smiled. " You are no fool. However, I do know something perhaps you do not. Trust must be earned. I hope you will give me that chance. "

Dorian stared at Feren for several long moments. His eyes dropped and he shrugged. He finished of his food and then sat there looking down into his lap. "We need some help Dorian. We need to know everyone's names. Their families names. If they have family looking for them. What circumstances lead them to this situation. " Feren sighed softly and regarded the boy who now would not look up. "You do know that slavery and everything that has happened to each of you are things the Elves do not in anyway condone."

That was when Dorian finally looked up. "I hear the Master. I hear him speak angry with his friends. I hear them talk of taking the Queen. I hear them say they do not like this new rule she make. " Feren's brow raised. " I see." said Feren gently. "Perhaps when you can trust more. You will be a bit more forth coming with these details Dorian. What you have heard could be of great help. " With that Feren rose from his seat. "In the meantime, we need your help with your friends. I promise that you all are safe now. "

Dorian looked up to Feren and Feren couldn't help but smile. "You may go back to your sister now. I do not wish to worry her." Dorian slides from his chair and turns to the tent flap and stops. " Her name is Dehlila." He said quickly and hurried from the tent. Feren stood there his smile widens. "Thus begins the moments of trust." He said to himself.

The day had begun in earnest. Juniper up with Melian and Orist. Her life returning to normal after her sleep. Her strength returning. Ryu had come that morning to help. Ninnel busy with her duties as well . She holding a large basket of laundry . "I swear for a little elleth she goes through more clouts than Orist did. whew." she curled her nose. Ryu laughs. "its a sign she is a strong child." Ninnel shaking her head. " If the odor is an inclination of that then I would agree. " She hurried from the nursery leaving Ryu with Juniper and the children.

Juniper looked to Ryu and begins to laugh. Orist attached himself to Ryu's leg and began to bounce."up Roo up." Ryu shook her head and smiled at him before lifting him up into her arms. " You will be too big to carry soon Orist. " she warned as the 2 Fae with the children left the nursery and walked into the garden. "she is right ion nin(my son) You are growing so fast. Soon you will be out on patrol with Ada Elthian." Juniper said with a smile and looked to her son who was holding himself proudly in Ryu's arms.

As soon as they entered the garden Orist wiggled down and began to run through the garden. Juniper settled down with Melian. Ryu lowered down several feet away so Melian could roll herself between them. This was her new thing. She would barrel roll then push herself up on her hands and knees and rock as if she was going to take off but she had not figured it out just yet. "How are things with You and Lorithir?" Juniper asked.

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