Chapter 48: Just the Three of Us

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They had left the hot spring and now lay naked on the blankets . No need to be covered the day had grown warm . He drank wine right from a bottle and she even had a sip or two. They just talked for hours. Would make love many times and talk more and just enjoy being with one another.

It was coming up on time for lunch and she had gotten up to get the basket. Bread cheese and fruit for lunch and more sausages for her . She placed them on the grate to let the fire warm them . Thranduil instructed her on how to build the fire back up but not as high as earlier there was no need to cook them just warm them.

She placed the basket down near him when a deep growl was heard not far from them . Thranduil jumped up but Juniper Squealed happily and clapped her hands together. "Buttercup!" She cried and ran towards the great bear. Thranduil's heart was pounding and he looked on the bear wide eyed. His size rivaled that of Beorn's. Yes he had seen the bear before but never standing on its hind legs like this. She ran into the bear and hit him hard . He just flopped on his side and she lay against him . Her body nestled in his thick fur.

She was so very small compared to the bear who was very gentle with her. " I am so happy to see you. How have you been ?" The bear must have been speaking to her because she just kept talking. " That is good . I am been well very well. OH . Just a moment I would like to introduce you both. "

She stepped away and the bear rose to sit there. She giggling ran to Thranduil and took his hand into her small grip. "Come on." She pulled at his arm "Well come on don't be rude Thranduil ."

She felt his fear. Her eyes lifting to look up at him. " I promise Buttercup will not harm you . " She assured him. "Do not be afraid of him. " He took a few steps with her . He just as naked as she made it a bit more hard to approach but she kept assuring him . "Just be calm and don't run . He is a good bear. "

Finally Thranduil stood before the massive beast. Even sitting he towered over him. " Buttercup this is My heart and soul. " She said and while holding Thranduils' hand she reaches out with the other and touches the bear . Suddenly Thranduil was connected with the bear . He feeling what the bear feels the bear feeling him. " Thranduil this is Buttercup. "

It was an awesome sensation and Thranduil struggled with his words. "Well met Buttercup." The bear huffed loudly and leaned forward . Thranduil stiffened up but soon found himself relaxing . The bears nose inches from his flesh . Sniffing him deeply . His breath heavy against Thranduil's bare flesh. Then he just sat back .

She smiling from ear to ear. "He says he is happy to get to know you better. " She chimes. Then guides Thranduil's hand to the bear and presses it against him at the neck. " He likes scratches behind his ears. " Thranduil looked to his pixie then back to the bear and slowly begins to scratch up behind the large fluffy ears. The bear just collapsing down on the ground and Thranduil finds himself smiling.

She begins to climb up on to the bears back and lays down . "Buttercup. I want to ask if You will always protect Thranduil as you do me. He and I are one. He is me and I am him. "

At that moment the bear lifts his massive head and his large deep brown eyes met Thranduil's. Thranduil was mesmerized by them and did not look away . The bear lowered his head and Juniper smiles. " Thank You Buttercup." She hugged him as best she could and Thranduil's hand pulled away. She lifts her head and smiles" Why certainly. " She said and looked to Thranduil. "He would very much like a few sausages and an apple. Would you get them please." Thranduil finds himself nodding and going to fetch sausages and and an apple .

He laughs at himself . Feeling wonder and joy from interacting with Junipers bear. Even more so when the bear ate the food right from his hand. "He is your bear too now Thranduil. " she said and slides down his side. "You will be counted as one among them." He looked into the bears eye as he lifts his head again .

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