Chapter 66: Getting to the bottom of the affair

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The elves rode into the greenwood. Legolas was non-existent at this point. He far ahead telling the gate of their arrival. Finnola rode towards the back of the caravan. Glorfindel refused to ride anywhere but beside her. Elladan in the front with his father. They were crossing the last bridge. Finally, Finnola began to tense. Glorfindel noticed. " My Goddess. You don't have to worry. You are the second half of my team. They will not send us away. "

As they finished crossing the bridge She could see Legolas exchange a few words with his father. Elladan and Elrond along side him. " I do not know how this is going to work. I usually stay with Legolas when I am here. I do not have my own rooms here. " She was sliding off of her horse .

Glorfindel smirks " You can stay with me. "

She just chuckled and rolled her eyes. " Aye that will go over about as well as a lead goose." She was pulling her packs off her horse and sighs.

" I am sure you will be given accommodations but if you want to by pass all that You are welcome to bunk with me. I have a large space here. Right next door to Lord Elrond and no where near Legolas. " He was now down and pulling his things from the saddle.

Finnola was silent as they began to walk towards where the Kings stood. Legolas excusing himself when he saw them. Thranduil knew his son well and looked to the approaching giant flanked by Glorfindel. Now he had an idea of what was wrong with his son. Thranduil had no reason to be cross with the Giant. Juniper was close to her and She was an asset. "Finnola it's so good to see you home." He took her hand and looked up into her eyes. " Later you and I will talk. Will you need accommodations? "

Glorfindel cleared his throat. Finnola exhaled. " yes I will. " Her lips twitched a bit but her jaw set like stone and other than that she had no emotion shown on her face.

" Very well. Later we will talk. " Thranduil smirked at Glorfindel

" Now Now My Lord. There is no need for you to get overly emotional seeing me after so long. " Glorfindel said rather graciously and wore a fake smile.

Finnola just groaned as she walked away. Thranduil lifted his chin a bit and just smiled graciously. " I see you are consorting with the one who left here my son's consort amin iant Mellon. Perhaps you and I should speak as well?"

Glorfindel bowed his head and said smoothly. " If you feed me I will talk as long as you wish my Lord."

Thranduil clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. " Very well Diner is at 8 be ready. " He turned and began to walk off . Elladan and Elrond following him. The exchange was very uncomfortable and they were glad it was over.


Elthian stood by the door . She keeps peeking up to him. He keeps trying not to notice. He lets his shoulders lower. " What is it? " His voice soft .

"Will you be here tonight?" She sat up in the middle of the bed and criss crossed her legs.

He shrugged. " I do not know if they will allow me to be here. I would like to be. I love you as well. "

She rocked back and forth " Amin mela lle vee' eithel." She said with a smile and even felt herself beginning to blush . She looked down and rocked a bit more.

Then he was right there. His hand on her cheek his lips against hers. She squeaked at first . Her eyes wide began to close and she relaxed against him.

" He did say I was allowed to do this much ." He whispered against her lips. " Though I want to do so much more. " That's when the creak of the front doors was heard and he returned to where he had been . Standing beside the door.

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