Chapter 109: When this is over.

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The weeks pass and the forest sank deeper into the autumn. Eomer and his Rohirrim had arrived. The time for preparation had come and gone. The time for action was at hand. Soon the largest army since the last alliance would march across middle earth and into the east. The elves would return to the land of their awakening.

Their departure was at hand and Thranduil wished to do something special for his Queen. They had not been able to return to their spring in some time. He had the area scouted and guards posted around it. A small cozy tent had been erected for them to stay in. Elthian had been allowed to stay in the fortress. The fact that he would be in great discomfort was the cause.

Thranduil was being even more greedy with his time with her. He knew they would be separated in the middle of their journey. He wanted his time with her. As much as he could get. He planned to spend time with Elthian as well in the last days before they left but this was for himself and his wife. They would spend a few days here. While their bond had always been strong he felt a great need to make it even stronger. As if his fea demanded it.

They had reached the spring in the evening. A warm inviting fire burned in a ring of stone next to the tent. Warm blankets lay near by. She was wrapped in his cloak. He slides from Memna's back and pulls her along with him. The night was very chilled but the fire was warm and the spring would be very warm. She wiggled away from him and plopped on the warm blankets and pulled one over herself.

He was pulling the saddle bags from the back of Memna and when he turned he saw her in the glow of the fire. Wrapped in the blanket . Her eyes watching the flames. She smiled widely and he felt her joy. 'Weather be damned' he thought looking at her. When they returned he did not care if it were the middle of winter. He would make more time for them to come here. It was one of her favorite places in their Kingdom.

He thought of the elf he was when Hannibal summoned him to his woods. It felt so long ago though it had been but a few years that had passed. He had been rather cold then. Though no where near as cold as he had been prior to the battle of five armies. He still had frost around his heart and now, now he felt more alive than he had in centuries and He wanted to do better for her.

She looked to him. The fire reflected in her eyes .

She smiled for him. "Will you join me hervenn or will you just stare at me from afar?"

He whispered to Memna and the elk took off. "I see nothing wrong with looking hervess nin." He finally began to approach her. The bags dropped near the tent before he joined her beside the fire. "Are you hungry?" he asked. She shook her head and leaned against his arm.

He thought of her back then now. She had learned so much in those years. Matured to a point, yet she still maintained that innocent and pure quality about herself. That was just her. His gorgeous fae with a fiery heart. The cause of his joy. The one that made his family grow in more ways than one. "Are you afraid?" He asked her. She seems a bit confused by his question.

"Of spending the night with you at our spring? That's a silly question Melamin." She responding with a small laugh.

He shook his head. "No I mean afraid of what we will soon face. "

There was no hesitation in her reply. "No. I am not afraid. I am not happy about it but I have no fear."

He leaned back and looked at her and she looked to him. "Are you afraid?" She asked then and he nodded. "I am. It does not mean I am a coward. It means I know what war brings and that fear is a healthy fear. How is it you have none?"

She smiled to him and leaned in closer once more. "I believe in Minol." She said simply. He scoffs and now she leaned back and looked at him.

"I know its hard for you to really believe everything he eludes to and what he has said up front. I believe we will survive this. I believe we will have a happy future. Just like he wants for us. I mean seriously Thranduil. He has been at this since before your own father was born. I have seen into his heart Melamin and I believe him. You may not but I have enough belief for us both."

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