Chapter 115: Perfected Deceit

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"Ada look at them. There are many things that can happen between here and Lasgalen. Not to mention Orwen and the child. I feel responsible for them. I really feel like this is my purpose ada. I am supposed to do this. " Elladan plead with his father.

Elrond sat in silence. The fire crackling before him. The sounds of the camp faded into a hum around him. It was a bright day. The sky was clear and blue. The air was brisk and the breeze held a chill. The wheels of the covered wagon turned slowly. Within lay the sleeping new mother and her child.

The land looked like the land they had just crossed days before. These people with their renewed hope. His son leading them towards safety. It was a proud moment for Elrond . Then the horns blew and the call of danger echoed. The caravan was come upon by raiders. Men from the Rhun valley. Elladan gathered men and women to defend and they began to fight.

"Ada? Ada?" Elladan's voice took on a tone of concern. Elrond finally pulled himself from the depths of his vision. "You saw something didn't you ada."

Elrond nodded slowly. "You must go with them. On the 3rd day as you are nearly around the Rhun valley you will be set upon by human raiders. You will lead these people ion nin. Do not ever become complacent always be vigilant. Then you will join me in the east."

Elladan nodded and smiled as he gasped his fathers shoulder. "I will ada. I will finally make you proud."

Elrond's brows knit and his hand lifted to lay upon his sons as it rested on his own shoulder. "I have always been proud of you Elladan. Even if you make it hard sometimes. I know you are truly good."


Drannor sighed as he looked out over her territory. Grah had already given him the details of their visitors. "Ride out. Do not attack them. Simply invite them to come to the castle."

Grah looked on the one he served with wide eyes. "My Lord wont your Master see this?"

Drannor grinned and looked over his shoulder. "Master's eye is turned else where. His new pets are in play and he is focused there. "

Grah bowed and hurried out to do his Lord's Bidding. Drannor spun around and walked towards his chambers. She would be there. His pretty slave . He would enjoy her while she was still his. He threw the door open in such a way that it startled her. She jumped from where she had been walking across the vast room and sighed once she realized it was him.

"Has something happened?" She asked and watched him stalk into the room . His eyes on fire as he looked her up and down.

"Not yet." He said with heat to his voice. Before she could respond he was on her. Making her gasp.

Minogos stayed crouched within the brush. Watching the plain before them. They had moved well within the sight of Drannor. So now stealth was his only option. Glorfindel was about 30 yards ahead . Hiding against a rocky out cropping. Hiroc and Hannibal had them both beat at stealth. Having taken their spirit forms. Hiroc flew over head keeping watch. The hawk could see for many miles even so high he was but a speck in the clouds. Hannibal prowled the modest tree line as the wolf. His sense of smell far greater than any of theirs.

They watched 5 riders crossing the plain and heading right for them. With luck they would just pass by without incident. To have a skirmish now would be a disaster. The riders stopped a small distance from where Glorfindel hid.

"I am Grah. Servant of Drannor. He invites you to the castle. He offers you food and shelter. He has no intentions of fighting Minogos. He only wishes to speak. " Glorfindel looked back to Minogos and shrugged.

Suddenly they heard the cry of the hawk as Hiroc swooped down from the heights and landed before Grah in his human form. He towered over even their mounts. "I am Hiroc the Ancient. Guardian of Minogos. Why should we trust your words?"

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