Chapter 34: Pixies don't mind well.

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Elthian helped with the preparations. He and Elessar dealing with troops and supply trains However, it was all done under the guise of practice and drills. Juniper spent most of her time with Arwen. The 2 queens had become fast friends. Juniper admiring Arwen's grace, beauty and charm. Arwen admiring Junipers actual innocence and purity not to mention her beauty though she had a hard time convincing Juniper she was indeed beautiful. Arwen also taught Juniper about other things like etiquette and how to properly behave in Elven court.

These things Juniper struggled with back in Greenwood. They discovered that they both had free spirits though. Disguising themselves as mother and child to sneak out and roam the streets. When Elthian and Elessar found out what they had done they both got scolded by Elessar then Elthian . As soon as the men were done and left the room they stuck their tongues out at the door then giggled together.

Arwen would tell Juniper stories as well. History in the form of tales . Juniper listened like a child. Wide eyed and curious. She had not been this truly happy sense leaving Greenwood. Arwen had not felt this young in some time. Then the day was approaching for the army to leave on "Drills" and Juniper was being told she would need to stay in Gondor.

She looked between Elessar and Elthian and frowned. " I will not be left behind. I must go . I must be there when it ends . "

Elessar tried to explain it. " Sweet one please. The battle field is no place for one so fair. You do not need to witness those horrors. You don't need to be in that kind of danger. "

She looked to Elthian . " please Elthian do not make me stay behind. "

Elthian looked into those pools of purple and he wanted to say yes but he just couldn't bring himself to. " My Lady. Thranduil will have my hide for breakfast if I allowed you on the battle field. "

She rose and paced . Her hands thrown into the air. " I am not talking about taking up a sword and charging into battle . I will stay in the back with the supplies. I will help tend the wounded. I can be of use . This is my home we are discussing and you are wanting to keep me from it."

Arwen looked pained. She understood the Pixies feelings all to well. " I went into the wilderness with Elthian to come here . I left my heart behind in the forest and I need it back." She was beginning to cry now. Elessar reached out and pulled her to him. His arms going around her tenderly like a fathers would to comfort his daughter. Arwen saw how he treated the Pixie and new he had grown to love her as if she were his own . " I promise you. You will be reunited with your heart very soon but we must keep you safe until then."

He looked to Arwen who came to gather the small sobbing Fae from his embrace. She led her away with gentle care .

That night Elessar and Arwen retired very early. Elthian understood why and He sought the bed as well but not his own. He might die in the next few days and all he wished for was one last night in the arms of the Pixie. She was not asleep. She sat in a window sill the frost on the glass gathering in its corners. The fire crackles in the fireplace and she sat there in all her silver glory watching the moonless sky.

She turned to see who was entering her room and smiled to him. "The stars are so clear from here. " her voice was just barely above a whisper as she turned to look at them again. " We are much higher up here. It makes the heavens open up . " He said as he moved closer to her. He scooped her up in his arms and kisses her softly then a bit more roughly. Making her whimper into the kiss.

" I know you do not care about the moon." she whispers .

" I just want one more night with you. I need to feel your tenderness. Your flesh. The heat of you around me just one more time before I go to battle. Can you understand? " She did, she could feel the fear in his heart. She could feel his need for comfort. She nodded before he lay her down into the soft sheets. His hands exploring her body once more. She pulling at the laces to his leggings.

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