Chapter 127: The First of Many

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The forest had become thicker then further they traveled. The small miss matched group had so far remained undetected. They had seen no one or ran into anything dark and dangerous. Perhaps it was just luck or perhaps it was the way Minol had taken them. They were on no path or road after all. Now they traveled under the cover of thick ancient trees. They spent their nights under their canopy and saw few stars.

This made traveling a slight challenge as well as easier. They found the need to stop at small meadows during the mid- day hours a must, Juniper needing to feel the sun light was just one of those things they did daily. She was being more resilient than they had thought she would, they never heard her complain about the conditions.

Finnola sat beside a small fire, Narl approached with a large bowl in each hand. She watched him from the periphery of her vision and grinned. "Minol has already taken to his watch. The moon rises full and bright so Elthian has absconded with the Queen and you and I can just sit here for a bit and enjoy our drinks."

Her large powerful hands lifted to take the offered bowl from the orc. He lowered down to sit beside her. They lifted the bowls slightly in an orcish toast of luck and well being then began to drink. The orcish mead was particularly delicious. Finnola had become quickly fond of it. She and Narl had become like family in the last weeks. Both tall and powerful. She could not wait to introduce her new brother to her mate.

"That relationship seems strange to me. We believe once you enter into the bond of marriage that you are now only for each other. It does not matter if your mate is jaluk (male) or jalil (female) or even toha vith (same sex) or even tuth vith (both sexes). Marriage is always only 2." Narl spoke and sighed.

"I was wondering when you would say something dalninuk (brother). Her's and Minol's stories are very long and very much intertwined." She took a drink and set her bowl down beside her hip. Her long fingers lifted and meshed together.

"It's hard to understand for all of us, well the elves probably understand it all better than we mortals. Time to them moves differently. Their story goes back before my own race was even awake. All the way back to a war that was fought by gods. It marred the arda so badly part of it sank below the sea." Finnola cast a glance to him. Watching him let her words absorb before continuing.

"Minol is a very powerful being. He started out like Juniper." Narl looked at her with wide eyes filled with disbelief. "It's true, the way I understand it. Is a simplified version. A prophecy was heard by the fae and they knew they had to help but also knew they would not be long in the arda as we know it. Juniper was born special, they waited for her and when she was ready they plucked her from her life and gave her another." Finnola trailed off a bit and sighed.

"Only this new life would not happen for many thousand years. They took their mightiest warrior. The Queen Rowena and Juniper. They took the Queens soul and placed it within Juniper. Giving her a fighting chance when she awoke. Their spell was perfect and could not be broken. It would simply end when it was time. They did not account for the one that loved her. The one that would make himself one of the most powerful beings ever known. He would make himself a god for her."

Narl's brows creased. "That is a great sacrifice."

Finnola nods gently. "The thing is Narl, Gods do not think as we do. If I would give Minol a title it would be the God of Fae Anger. He set this all up Narl. Everything thing we do. Every battle we fight or have fought. Even the fact your own people exist has something to do with Minol."

Narl knew his origin story well. Minol was the winged messiah. The one that saved the first orcs from the evil that created them to be his slaves.

"Juniper is not an elf nor human or orc. Dwarf, hobbit or any other race in the arda. There are only 2 fae in the whole world. This makes them quite valuable. Though none of us think her property. He knew what he was doing when he put Thranduil in her path. She did not full know or understand beliefs on marriage or anything. She formed her own opinions on that after learning about elven beliefs. Elthian was an accident Narl. One that worked out."

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