Chapter 53: Everything concerning her is Unconventional

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Thranduil stood there in silence . The white fabric drifted to the ground. " I should have never removed that bracelet." He growled to himself. "Tauriel, Ninnel, Galion!" He called loudly within moment the three of them made their way to the courtyard. All three were be very aware of the dress that lay there before the King and the absence of the Queen.

" The three of you know the secret passages well. Search them for Juniper. I worded something a bit harshly and she went small and flew off up there." He looked up. "She might be hiding in the passages. They responded with a quick " Yes My Lord " and head off to look for Juniper.

Going then to the door he opened it and told the Guards there . "One of you go get Elthian . He should be in his quarters. " With that he closed the door and walked back to the courtyard. He scooped up her dress with his fingers. He could feel her despair very strongly. He kept trying to let her know he wasn't angry and that she needed to come back but with her emotions as they were she wouldn't be able to hear him like that. He knew it.

She flew as fast as she could . Through the trees up and under branches. Putting as much distance between herself and the Fortress as she could before she would become exhausted and flitter down to a branch where she sat and sobbed . She sat there as the sun began to dip down low. Feeling weak she lay down on the branch as the sun disappeared and the stars began to shine. Then down below she heard a familiar grunt and huffing. Her eyes opening Buttercup was under the branch and looking up to her.

"Buttercup." She sobbed and half fell and half flew off the branch and landed into the cushion of his fur. "Please take me home... Not that home to Hannibal's home. " She fell asleep in the warmth and comfort of the bears fur . He begins to lumber through the forest.

Elthian had organized a search of the Fortress. He was returning to Thranduil's chambers . The Worry was palatable. When the king told him what was discovered and what he had said Elthian grew angry, Not at her but at his King for saying things how he had said them. Hours passed as the search of the Fortress continued. Everywhere they looked they would not find her. Thranduil began to feel the distance between she and himself growing. "She isn't in the Fortress. " He sighs. " I can feel her moving away."

Elthian takes a breath and contains his anger. " I will go get the horses ready unless you wish to ride Memna. "

Thranduil shakes his head. " She would feel Memna and she would feel Loratha . Best to saddle to horses unknown to her. I'll be there shortly" He was packing a saddle bag up when Tauriel , Ninnel and Galion returned.

" There was no sign of her in the passages . Not even the faintest of scent." Tauriel tells him in a soft tone.

" Elthian and I are going to search outside. The guard has already been doubled in the forest but I have a feeling where she has gone. " He took her dress and folded it before placing it in his bag. None of them had any idea of what had transpired to make her run off like she had. The three of them just looked very worried.

He lifted the bag and threw it over his shoulder. " I will bring her home. " Was all he said before leaving the chambers.

Elthain had rode in silence next to the King for a while . Finally he just couldn't stand it . He had to speak. " My Lord . Does it anger you that now I have this sort of bond to you both? I assure you I can not hear your mind though as you know I can feel her emotions when I am close . That happens to anyone. "

Thranduil was silent and pensive. " I am not sure how to feel about this Elthian but I did promise you we would deal with it. This is not you're fault . Nor do I believe she fully understood what she was doing. Having a bond with you would not be horrible Elthian if that is what you are thinking."

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