Chapter 117: Coming Together in the Face of War.

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Elrond had spent much of the previous evening filling everyone in on what all had happened since they had left and he had decided to stay for a bit longer and it was a good idea he had. Even Gandalf had grown perturbed that Elladan had basically poisoned the Queen with of all things Haldir's wine.

However, it seemed to have worked out in the end and now Elladan was trying very hard to make up for his actions. He sat alone by a small fire and drank some tea and smoked on his pipe. Deep in thought. Gandalf pondered what was ahead. He knew not what they were going so far east for. Only that they would find the boon The Valar had promised. He believed it had to be a weapon that the first evil would not be able to see.

Soon Elrond joined the wizard and poured himself a cup of tea. He sat down beside him and sighed. "Tauriel is far more feminine that I expected. Her eagerness to know every little detail of the ceremony was a bit unnerving. I always had this image of her being a brutal warrior. She gave my sons a run for their money when she squared off with them and now she wants to know what kind and what color of flowers where used?"

Gandalf chuckled. "She is still an Elleth no matter what clothing she wears Elrond."

Elrond sighed and drank some more of his tea. "You still have no idea what we are looking for in Cuivienen do you."

Gandalf grumbled lowly before exhaling a large whiff of smoke. "I has to be some kind of weapon that this evil can not see. I can not think of anything else. What manner of weapon or who would wield it is beyond me at this time."

"I wonder if Glorfindel has been given a sign." Elrond mused out loud. "If anyone would wield a weapon from the Valar it would be he. After all he was trained by Tulkas when he was in valinor."

Gandalf nodded thoughtfully. The two old friends went silent then as Jeven made his approach. He looked rather unrested as she joined them around the fire.

"Did you not sleep well Jeven?" Elrond asked.

He scowled and sighed. "Now she wants a ceremony when this is all over. She wants sunflowers and daisies to adorn the hall. Oh and she wants a silver and red dress." He just slumped down.

Gandalf and Elrond began to laugh. "You best give her what she wants." Elrond said softly. "Otherwise she will never let you live it down." Gandalf added.

Jeven suddenly stood up and looked out over the tree dotted hills before them. "They are coming." He said in almost a whisper . His Light eyes looked to Gandalf and Elrond. "I feel the ancients very close."

Elrond and Gandalf both rise. Jeven lifted one of his arms and points in the direction they are coming from.

Elrond asks. "Can you tell who is with them?"

"I feel Minogos and the ancients. I am sorry. I can not tell if anyone else is with them. It will be a few hours still before they arrive." Jeven said with a smile. "Do not worry just because I can not feel him does not mean he is not there. He is the mighty Glorfindel."


Juniper and Ryu sat within the confines of the carriage. Comfortable but bored. Finnola had given them the gift of a deck of cards. Ryu knew many games to play and was currently teaching Juniper the game of runs. Needing a card of the same kind to line up numerically or to have all the same number. Juniper had lost every game up until this last hand. She just needed one more card.

The wagon had stopped several minutes ago but they kept playing. When the door was opened a gust of wind billowed inside and blew the cards all around. Juniper threw up her hands and screamed in frustration. Thranduil blinking a few times looking at his angry wife then to the cringing Ryu.

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