Chapter 38: Interrogation. The Darkness Within

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It was a large round tent that Juniper entered . She walking with Thranduil holding her small hand and making sure she was steady. There were the kings there. Thranduil, Elessar and Eomer. Their advisors which now included Finnola and Legolas. There were the kings guards as well Elthian Stood more towards the center of the room along with another elf she did not know. Galadriel was there as well standing in the middle. Juniper stood in the front with Thranduil .

They lead Nilastiel in and put him in the center. He was in chains. A collar around his neck chains ran from it to his wrists then down to his ankles. The rest now spread out forming a circle around the traitor . He looked around the room and said nothing but when his eyes fell on the pixie he grinned and wickedly at that. Galadriel spoke to him firmly. " You will not tell us all who your Master is ? We know you work for someone ..or something Nilastiel. Will you freely speak? "

Nilastiel looked to the Lady his lips twitched . " Why don't you Get on your knees and suck My Co..." Galadriel arched a brow and before he could even finish his insult Elthian and the other elf had struck him behind the knees with the butt of their spears . Nilastiel fell to his hands and knees . A grimace of pain on his face.

" You speak like a common orc crawling from the gutter Nilastiel are you sure you were ever an Elf?" Galadriel spoke in a monotone . He pushed himself back so he was kneeling and looked up at her. Juniper studied him . Her eyes roamed up and down. All she could see now was darkness. Before she saw dark and some light but that had all changed . " Will you freely tell us who your Master is?" She asked again.

" I work for Me it was all my idea. You can buy as many orcs and goblins as you want if you have the coin." He respond with a smirk.

Junipers eyes lifted to look to Thranduil. " That's a lie" She told him .

Nilastiel's gaze shot to her. " I wanted the kingdom all for myself and as soon as the King... " He said the word king with mirth and spit on the ground towards Thranduil . " was dead then I would have that pretty little Queen all to myself . To rape every night until she faded into nothing. " Soon as those words spat from Nilastiel's mouth Legolas and Finnola would have to pull the King back .

" Juniper looked un-phased." That was both the truth and a lie. Truth is you wanted the kingdom for yourself The lie was about having me. " All eyes were on Juniper now.

"I see right into you . " She said in a whisper. Her eyes never leaving Nilastiel. " I see your fea. It's tainted and dark. You stopped being an Elf long ago. " Her hand squeezes Thranduil's and she looks up. " I'm ready are you?" Thranduil took a breath and nodded.

Galadriel looked to the pixie. " Just like you were shown ." Juniper nodded then her eyes went back to Nilastiel . Galadriel whispered a few words and the chains around his wrist grew so heavy he was bent forward with his hands on the ground again.

" No .. do not touch me you witch. Filth in the guise of purity .. You will be the downfall of My people . I wanted to save them . " Juniper said nothing. Her hands reaching out as she and Thranduil approached him. He tries to recoil but can not. Thranduil's hands lay upon her shoulders . He standing behind small soft fingers press to Nilastiel's head . Her hands would grip fingers tensing . Her eyes closing.

Nilastiel went silent. She was seeing him speaking with his conspirators. Lysanthir and Vesryn. The scene had no talk of anyone he served just them speaking about their own greed and the fall of the king . She pushed further in. Seeing the court in session then him whispering in the ears of other court members. Every word spoke was a lie. She told Thranduil that . They were connected and he could hear her as well. She pushes deeper and deeper . Nilastiel was beginning to shake as he remained on his hands and knees in the center of the floor.

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