Chapter 47: The Surprise Part 2 Obey your healer

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They had finished breakfast. Thranduil crawled up on the blankets to the pillows and stretched out on his back under the canopy of trees. The sky now blue in the first light of the day. She wiggled in close and he covered her and himself in a warm blanket. More for her of course but he wanted to feel her against him. She lay her head on his chest and he watched the swaying of the branches overhead.

It was blissful to just lay there with her like this . In his forest and she able to relax within it. He began to drift off when suddenly her slight weight was gone. When He opened his eyes to see where she had gone He saw a small fluttering creature over head. He had to blink then focus in on it. It was her. Her dress on the blanket beside him .

She drifted up into the tree over head. Then landed on a branch ever so lightly. One small foot then the other. He sat up watching her curiously. A squirrel came to meet her . The fluffy tailed creature bigger than she .

She looked down to him . He was not upset nor worried . Her smile told him everything was ok . The squirrel turned and she followed it along the branch . He following her with his eyes. When they switched branches the squirrel would leap and she would fly to it. He had to get up and turn to watch them. The squirrel disappears into a hole in a large tree trunk and Juniper followed. He could see light from within the hole. It spilled out from it and onto the leaves and wood.

Within a few moments she was fluttering down from the tree . He watched the squirrel and 2 kits come from the hole and chatter at her . She doing circles in mid air and waving to them . His jaw had gone slack watching her fly . Then down she came. He held out his hand and she landed upon it . He just looked her up and down. It was her . Just so small.

" The mother had a problem with one of her babies. Its all better now." She explained but he was silent . " Thranduil?" Nothing just his bewildered look. She scowls and pushes her hands to his nose . " Thranduil!" he blinks and pulls his head back. She giggles at him. " Guess you aren't used to seeing me like this . If it bothers you I'll just..."

He coughs. " NO! no . You're fine I just . I didn't think you could be anymore beautiful but I was wrong. "

She blushes and turns around slowly then bows." Really though Its hard to interact with the big world like this though I can hide easily. Then again that's why I made such a good spy. " She wiggled her brows and he chuckles. " You never would let me see you though. Well up close. When you returned you were always ... Big."

He lowered to sit again . She fluttering from his hand then landing on it again. "I didn't want to show myself to everyone. You saw me in Hannibal's woods. You knew but everyone else Might not react so well. It took Elthian a bit to get used to it. Whew its still chilly." She fluttered from his hand to the blankets and crawls under them . Her shape growing then she peeks out from under them in her larger size. " I'll be small for you anytime You want. "

He pulled the blankets away and moved over her . They drifted down over him and her lightly pressed against her uplifted side. His lips finding her soft cheek. Then her ear. His warm tongue slowly and lightly trails from her lobe to the tip. She behind to squirm . Her hips grazing over his crotch.

" Wont the guards see us? " she whispered and he whispers back. " I don't care. After learning Elthian had watched us I stopped caring if they saw us. Maybe they will go home and create life with their wives. We do need more children."

She giggles " Oh and you will use me as the catalyst for their lusts?"

He grins. " Whatever it takes to grow the population love." She elbows him right in the gut and laughs " Ommph " He falls to his side. " I am wounded. " His hands on his stomach.

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