Chapter 137: The Gods are Angry.

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Feren reached down and help Thranduil get to his feet. They both stared and were utterly speechless. All the elves that bore witness to the arrival of the Valar were silent and motionless. Tulkas was the first to dismount. He pat the neck of his meara and approached Thranduil and Feren. He was just massive yet when he lay his hand on Thranduil's shoulder it was gentle and Thranduil could barely tell he was being touched at all.

"Peace Thranduil I was only teasing." His voice held a deep bass tone and his face a cheerful expression. Thranduil could not feel any anger nor any need for violence coming from the champion of the Valar. "Your Adar is proud if the King you have become."

Thranduil looked up into Tulkas' eyes and felt his own lips begin to tremble. "You know my Adar?"

Tulkas began to chuckle and pat Thranduil's shoulder. "I do." He smiled then. " I think I know everything about you through his tales. If I seem a bit too familiar for you I am sorry. I just can't help it, I feel like I am meeting my long lost Nephew at last." Tulkas wrapped Thranduil in a massive hug then and laughed.

Feren and all the elves collectively gasp as Tulkas embraces Thranduil. Then as soon as it started the King was released from the hug and was left standing there a bit bewildered.

Eönwë finally dismounted his own magnificent meara and began to approach them. He was tall much taller than any of the elves present yet not as tall as Tulkas. His hair was long and a deep rich brown in color. His eyes like Tulkas' were of a golden hue.

"It was so strange Lord Thranduil." Eönwë addressed him as Lord which made Thranduil a little uncomfortable this was Eönwë after all. The lord of the Maiar Manwe's right hand. One who could wield any weapon expertly. "I was suddenly Summoned by my Lord and the next thing I knew I was riding along side this big ox." He motioned towards Tulkas. Who was not offended in the least he seemed to find it a bit funny to be called an ox.

"You asked for my Lords help and it seems he has heard you." Eönwë said with a gentle smile. "Now show us what he has in store for you in this battle. It will give me no greater joy than to slap him in the face."


Haldir had at first been slightly annoyed that he had been left behind and the trouble making twins had been allowed to go. Yet his Lady calmed all that when she explained he would lead the defense of the northern realms however that meant he had to work with humans and Valar have mercy, the dwarves. Though he did find the humans refreshing, bright and eager to learn, It seemed their time with Glorfindel and Finnola had helped turned them around from their own prejudices against the elves.

The Dwarves on the other hand were a surly lot of curmudgeons. Hard headed and often plagued with a need to argue over the most petty of things. All save for Gimli, Legolas' friend was a liaison between them and helped quell any dissent.

Haldir sat upon one of the tallest walls of Dale and looked out into the distance. They had been getting reports now of a fell army that approaches from the east and the days had turned to constant preparation and drills. Gimli joined him and held a bottle of Haldir's own brew in his hand.

"You know Laddy, your wine is particularly delicious. I never thought I would say that about something an elf makes but You have my upmost appreciation." Gimli leaned against the wall and looked out through one of the low spots.

"I would like to apologize to you Gimli."

Gimli looked a bit confused. "For what?"

"When the fellowship first arrived in my home I said somethings about you I should not have. I was rude."

"Ahh you mean that whole 'The dwarf is so loud I could have shot him in the dark with my eyes closed' thing? Ah well I apologize too for what I said."

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