Chapter 100: Pursuit

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The water was so warm and she was so sore. Though it was strange how she was kind of liking the feeling. Her ribs and arm were not broken . Just bruised and she had proved in the past She healed up and continued on like a champ. Thranduil was sitting in a chair beside the bathtub. He leaned back, His legs crossed . "Have you thought about Dorian?" He asked. "mmm hmmm." she responded with her eyes closed. "what are your thoughts?" He asked and after several moments and it was obvious she was not going to say anything further without urging.

"He is a young boy who has been through something no child should have to experience. I feel the same about his sister. Who their ancestor is should have no bearing on how we proceed with them. " Thranduil's brows lifted and he was going to say something but he couldn't. He nor his sister had committed any crime. His silence made her open her lavender eyes. He wore a look of being troubled . "Mairon was not evil Thranduil. As I understand it Mairon was a good and studious Maia. He created things in his forge . Good things. It was ..." Thranduil looked at her with wide eyes and shook his head against her saying the name. She nodded. " It was mmm the evil one that seduced him. I understand many good things fell to his seduction. What he did before that was not done with evil in his heart. "

Thranduil sighed and let his shoulders fall as he relaxed in the chair. She managed to push herself up and she reached out one small wet hand. He took it in his and leaned forward closer to her. "Dorian should be treated just as well as the other children. He is innocent Thranduil. " He lifted her hand and kissed each knuckle softly. "I also feel this killer we are seeking is not evil either Thranduil. I believe they are trying to protect me and end the horrors happening within the city of men. Only they can do it without burden of law. It too is hard for me to reconcile that. What would have taken us months to piece together and deal with what They have begun with swift precision. I understand the need for laws in normal circumstances, yet there is nothing normal about these. "

He was looking at her small frail looking hand as she spoke and he drank in each word. At the same time he marveled at how such small delicate hands could be so utterly deadly. He found sometimes she spoke with such wisdom . Wisdom of a being far older than himself. Yet she held such naïve innocence at times. This was the contrast of the 2 beings sharing one body. Unlike Ryu with Shadow and Shade who was bound to the 2 demons with no influence on herself. It was sometimes hard to see where Juniper ended and Rowena began. They were 2 but one.

"We will cross that bridge when we reach it Melamin." he said softly and she released his hand and sat back. She looked down at her breast which were rather swollen and she frowned. " Well at least it isn't as bad as before." He chuckled and lifted her from the bath swiftly and carried her off towards the bed. "Well at least I know what to do for that problem." 

She smirked . "Uh huh I think you look forward to this." He just smiled .


Elthian was angry he had missed the spar. He complained about it while He, Legolas and Tauriel headed back towards the Elven camp. They having been tracking down some interesting information about the one with the Purple eyes. "I should have been there." He grumbled and Tauriel laughed. "She won the spar. No one was seriously hurt and I hear Ada cleaned up in the betting pool." 

Legolas would add defending Elthian. "I too wish I had been there. What I hear of it is hard to believe. Feren is only equal to Ada and Adnir." 

Elthian said a bit matter of factly. "I don't know Finnola is pretty formidable as well as Glorfindel." 

Legolas was no where near as good at hiding his emotions as his Adar. He began to walk a bit faster putting a little distance between himself and Elthain. Tauriel reached out and smacked Elthian in the arm and scowled at him.

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