Chapter 68: How to protect one who refuses protection.

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Far in the east . Far into the lands that are nearly forgotten to the Eldar. There are a people of great power. The lineage is mixed. To the elves of middle earth they would seem barbaric. Uncouth and even primitive. Yet their knowledge went much deeper than any elf knew. The Orthae J'nesst stood on an out dropping. Her eyes reading the wind and clouds. She breathes in deeply and sighs as she exhales. Slowly she turned to look on her zin'olhyrr floh'l. They her most trusted. "ol zhah au. Udos z'klaen plynn blada xuil lil' ilhar( the time is near. We must make council with the mother)"

The wise woman stepped down from her high perch and began to walk back towards what was left of their forest. If the Avanati fall the west would fall soon after. Her followers rose and moved into position behind her. She sending several a head to make preparations for the council.


Juniper sat at the breakfast table her appetite was very good all things considering. She tried to behave as if all was well. As if it had not happened. It even began to make the Kings worry even more. Elthian seemed unbothered and just did as he would normally do with her . He held Orist while she fed him bites of smashed up fruit. " naneths daer ellon nin melleth." She cooed at her son. After breakfast Juniper headed to the garden to sun while it was still warm in the day. Orist only spent a few minutes out . It was a bit too chilly .

Thranduil beside her and their son held on his thighs." I need to know your thoughts Melamin. You have said nothing today. "

She lay her head on his shoulder. " I still do not know what to think. I'm still processing it . I feel like I am a piece on the board for him to play at will. There is something so much bigger and it all seems to fall back on me remembering. I have to talk to him again..."

Thranduil stiffened and prepared to lay down the law . The placing of her small hand on his arm calmed those reactions. Her voice like a summer breeze against his skin. " Before you get worked up I do not mean tonight. I want to dreamless sleep again. I have to work out what I will say first."

He relaxed a bit. " You know you agreed to me stopping this whole circus should one tear be brought to your eyes. I think you well surpassed that. You think of what you will say . You run it by me and then I will decide. " She was fine with those terms for now. So she just rubbed her cheek against his arm.

As the rays of the sun began to spill down over them she rose slowly and scooped up her son. Her flesh turning golden her wings spread out in the warmth and she danced around with her growing son. He sat back and just watched her . The breeze buffeting against her body . Pulling her dress tightly about her. A baby in her arms . The slight swell of her belly tattling on the fact she had another on the way. He wanted to put her in a box and protect her so badly yet he knew what that would do.

Galion would arrive with a smallish wooden chest. She spun around with Orist laughing in her arms . " Look ion nin it's uncle Galion. "

Thranduil canted his head. "What is this?"

Galion shrugged . " It arrived from Erebor . It's for the Queen."

Thranduil just smiled and motioned to Juniper." Well then give the Queen her chest. "

Galion stepped closer and placed the chest down. Orist reaching out for him she would pass him to Galion. Thranduil wore a rather smug grin. Her small hands went to the latch and she lifted it then opened the chest . The shimmer of the contents cast over her flesh. " Oh !" she gasps.

She lifted a shimmering dress from the chest. it was light as air , Just like she liked.

Galion looked wide eyes and gasped as well . " Is that Mythril?"

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