Chapter 88: Where am I going?

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Thranduil sat at breakfast feeling a bit content. A smug smile on his face as he watched her finally join him.

" Sorry Your daughter was starving." she smiled at him before digging into her own breakfast. He watched her for several moments and listened to her tap the circle around her ankle against the leg of the chair.

"I got a request today. "

She looked at him a little confused as to why he was mentioning this to her unless... She now narrowed her eyes. "Where am I going?" She asked annoyed.

He reached out to her hand "We are going back to the border. You need to publicly denounce slavery and force the Harad to give up the practice. The problem will be now housing them and getting them work. Unless they want to work for the families they are with. Then they will pay them a fair wage. I just don't know what fair would be just yet. "

She laced her fingers with his and sighed softly. "How can I refuse that?" She sat back and released his hand. "Does this mean my punishment will be over or will you have me chained to a wagon ?"

Thranduil chuckled at the idea of her chained in a wagon and how well that would end up working when her bear crawled inside it with her. "You will no longer be in chains Melamin. Though I was hoping you would ride with me and maybe not on Buttercup the whole time."

Her brows lifted. He wanted to hold her closely and protect her . That was what she was hearing. This trip had him feeling a bit uneasy. Though he tried to cover it up.

"Of course I will ride with you. I love being so close. I will just use the sling for Melian." She saw the change in his gaze and she slumped in the chair. "The children are not going." she said softly.

Thranduil shook his head. " Not this time Melamin. It is best they stay here. Maen has a wet nurse all ready for this and it will only be for 5 days perhaps a week. "

She didn't like it but it said he knew this could be treacherous." Fine." She blurts out. " But you will be helping with all the milk I have. This could get painful otherwise."

He just grinned. "another reason I want you to ride with me. " She rolled her eyes. "of course" She refused to feed into his ego and libido immediately and focused on her food.

Glorfindel arrived right on time and took his place near the door. Thranduil began to prepare for the day. She peeked up to Glorfindel several times while she ate. Thranduil kissed her before leaving . She heard the door close and began to quietly count. when she reached 10 she looked to Glorfindel

"ok what's the gossip? I keep hearing whispers from the staff. "

Glorfindel sighed and moved closer. He sat at the table and poured himself a cup of tea. "Its Galion. He went to Minol's apartment last night and didn't leave until this morning."

Junipers brows lifted higher than she had ever done. Her eyes wide in disbelief. "That can not be true."

Glorfindel shrugged. " Elthian saw him go last night and saw him leave this morning in the same clothes and looking satisfied if you catch my meaning."

Juniper gasps then and covers her mouth with her hand . She was staring at Glorfindel and just burst into giggles. "No wonder he was not here this morning." She said between giggles. Glorfindel was soon giggling too.

"Oh no we can not behave like this if he shows up. We just can't let him know we know. He would be so embarrassed."

Glorfindel suddenly looked at her and shook his head. " Oh no My queen I have been waiting for years for some thing I can used against that stuck up snob. So high in his propriety. "

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