Chapter 113: They can attack us anywhere at any time.

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Juniper stood before Buttercup. In her hand was several sweet carrots. She offered them to the enormous bear and giggled each time the bears tongue passed over her palm taking the carrots happily.

The staging area was bustling with activity. While most of Thranduil's troops had already departed for Lasgalen, the supplies and the rest of the army were just now heading there. These would be the last days she would spent with Buttercup before she left. Such a long journey was not one the bear could make.

Elthian watched her. It was a great contrast. The powerful beast and his diminutive Master. Soon the bear was rolling over to his back and going belly up for her to rub. Like an over sized puppy.

"It is time Juniper."

Elthian looked over to see Thranduil approaching. He was not on the back of his Elk. Memna was to stay home. Instead he was on the back of his horse, Belegund. She looked over her shoulder at him and nodded then looked back to Buttercup.

"Alright you big bear its time to go. " She said softly and the bear rolled back over. She climbs up onto his massive back.

Ryu came hurrying over. She climbing up on the bears back with Juniper. Her cloak opening up as she wraps it around Juniper along with her arms. Thranduil caught himself smiling at the fae naturally cuddling together for warmth.

Feren was crouched down hugging a sobbing Dehlia. He glanced up to see tears in the normally stoic Dorians amber eyes. "You must obey your Naneth and help take care of your nethig." He spoke gently and rose bringing the little girl with him. Dehlia clung to Feren . Her small arms around his neck. He wrapped his arm around Dorian and pulled him close. These 2 children were now his and leaving them was difficult.

Soon they were moving in a file down the road south. Flanked by Thranduil and Legolas.

On the rise behind them Ninnel and Galion stood watching. Galion struggled to hold his emotions in. Soon he was failing. Ninnel knew why the seneschal was unable to control his emotions. She wrapped her arms around Galion and soon his head was lowered to her shoulder and he was sobbing.

She glanced to see Minol on the back of a black horse. Looking back as well. For the first time she saw his face show emotion. His brows creased with sadness before he turned away and followed the King .

"There there." She said softly to Galion. "Lets go inside and get some tea. You have a kingdom to run and I have children to take care of. "

This ride had become very familiar to Juniper and Ryu. The day would warm up enough for Juniper to come from under Ryu's cloak and shed her own for some sun. The fae rode under the protection of every elf present and the bear.

Juniper looked back to see Elthian behind them. A smile curled on her lips . The sun shining down on him as it was made him seem to glow even more than she normally saw him. She turned about and lay her head atop Buttercup's and stretched out. Her small feet against Ryu's thighs.

Ryu seemed to only have eye's for Legolas now. Juniper catching her peeking over several times. Her own purple gaze shifted to Thranduil. He looking forward with no emotion on his features. She lifted an arm and slid it under her head . Her eyes drifting from Thranduil to the blue clear sky overhead.

"What are you thinking of?" Thranduil's voice broke the daze she had found herself drifting off to.

"I wonder if the sky is the same in the east." She said softly.

Ryu's eyes widened and she smiled to Legolas as Juniper answered Thranduil's question. Legolas tried to hide his amuzed smile.

Thranduil chuckled. "I now realize just how sheltered you have been." Juniper narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

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