Chapter 96: Transition and Truth

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Elrond stood beside Minol. It had now been 3 days that Juniper slept most of the time. Elrond could find no cause for this strange occurrence. Thranduil paced in the corridor. Minol looked at her carefully. His body lowering down so he could get a good look at her. His hand on her forehead. She barely registered the touch and whimpered a bit before falling back asleep. He rose up and motioned to Elrond with his head before turning to leave the bedroom. Thranduil stopped pacing when he saw Elrond and Minol in conversation . Elrond's brows lifting and his eyes widen. Thranduil now moved up on them. "What is wrong?" He voice filled with worry.

He was shocked to see Elrond smile to him . His hand lifted. "Well apparently there is nothing wrong My Lord." He said gently and Thranduil could feel the anger beginning to build. Minol spoke up. " She is in transition is all. " The anger filled words that were about to come from Thranduil's lips were cut short and He looked to Minol . His icy eyes narrow. "What does that mean?" Elrond looked to Minol. 

He sighs. "Female Pixies experience transition within a few months after giving birth. You will notice her eating habits going back to a more normal level. She will be less likely to want meat. There will be a few other changes. Things you probably had not even noticed changed. "

Thranduil eyes Minol "Like what?" he asked. 

"Well her Libido will be greater for one as her body becomes fertile again. her coloring will get brighter. Though I doubt you even noticed such things. These are normal things Thranduil. Within a few days she will not sleep so much. Things will get back to normal. " Minol simply smiled to him. "Just be prepared for when it ends. She might be a bit more eager and if you do not want more children right now you might want to take some sort of precaution." 

Thranduil's facial features just went blank then and he was about to say something extremely rude when Elrond spoke up.

"I would like it if you explained more to me about the medicines and treatments for the fae. " He was changing the subject and looking for an excuse to get Minol out of the Royal Chambers and away from Thranduil. "If there is nothing else Thranduil please excuse us." Glad to be rid of Minol he nods and they wish him a good day before turning to leave. Minol inwardly scowls that Elrond ruined his fun.

Galion was making an approach and Thranduil let him. He moving to the bedroom door and just looking at her. "Was it good news My Lord?" he asked and Thranduil nodded. "Apparently this is normal for Pixies. She should be more alert by the end of the week." He explained and sighed. "well that is good news My lord. " Galion peeked over at his King. "This just makes me realize how much is unknown about her. " Thranduil spoke softly. They both stood there watching her sleep for several moments before Thranduil turned away. "Let me know if anything changes ." He said then walked down the corridor heading to his office.


Jeven was training his first group of elves. The monsters they would more than likely face in the east were not like the monsters in the woodland realm. He spoke of of something that made Tauriel's skin crawl. Worse than the spiders. These monsters had armor. Arrows would do little to them . Swords were mostly useless against them and it was the spear that did the most damage.

She stood near by and listened and watched as he began to show them the techniques for killing these creatures. Then discovered most of them had poor spear skills. He would sigh and then back up on the training. Starting them at the beginning. The basics of spear combat. She was paying attention as well. These were things she would need to know as well. When the session was over He walked over to where she stood . He leaning on his spear . "I will teach you too." He said and reached out to cup her chin and pull her in for a soft kiss.

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