Chapter 147: In the Grey

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The fighting began to take on a new level of intensity. Morgoth was throwing everything he seemed to have at them. They were fighting a never ending line of Orcs and Human troops. The large armored bugs, Jeven had trained them to fight, swarmed the battle field at intervals. Then more Balrogs came and the Gods were challenged.

Thranduil sat on the back of Loratha, the Meara having offered to carry him into this war. Thranduil would have been foolish to deny the Meara. He was upon a rise in the land and was soon joined by Thingol. Together they looked out over the battlefield and the Ainur that did battle for the sake of Eru's children.

"I have heard stories all of my life about the war for the sake of the Elves. You just can not imagine the enormity of such a war. A war that changed the face of the Arda. I thought, foolishly, that the war of the ring would be the last great war, yet now I am mounted on a Meara, next to my long dead King and watching Gods do battle with evil, for our sake. It is an honor to fight alongside you, Lord Thingol," Thranduil spoke solemnly.

Thingol nodded in understanding of Thranduil. They watched as the Ainur pushed the Balrogs back, but now a surge of Orcs was breaking their lines. "Time to go, young King," Thingol said with a growl and they turned their mounts and rode from the hill.

From his Fortress the Dark Lord watched them battle. A large Palantir sat before him. He relaxed in his stone chair with the fire blazing before him. He wore a smirk upon his lips and his gaze narrowed. "It is time to shake things up a bit more."

He shifted his gaze to a dark-clad figure that stood near by. It nodded and slithered off to give his orders.

Thranduil was in the thick of it. They were fighting to push the Orcs back once more. His sword was never dry that day and he became a machine of death. Flowing into a trance-like state, where he was hyper aware of everything around him. Nothing had the chance of touching him, when he was like this. There was a strange sound breaking through his trance. A whistling sound that got louder then faded. Within a few seconds of the sounds departure there was a very loud explosion behind him.

This caused confusion at first, but soon enough he heard it again and looked up to see the large metal ball and its trail of black thick smoke, flying overhead, then falling and explode. Such a weapon killed, yes, but it did far more damage from the shrapnel that maimed. He looked for Finnola and Glorfindel and when he saw the eyes of Glorfindel he knew, they were already on it.

"Narl! Get your brothers!" Glorfindel called out to the First Orc, who nodded and swung a large mace that swept away several of the Human enemies around him.

"Hock! Get the twins!" He yelled to Hock who was calling the twins Krugge and Grugge.

Soon the four First Orc along with Glorfindel and Finnola were fighting their way to the back of the line to get their mounts. Several more explosions happened and they saw the full destruction of these weapons. There was a crater in the ground and then out from it in a circle lay the dead for several feet, then the maimed, screaming.

This angered all of them. Once they got to their horses, they headed out with one goal. Destroy the artillery.


Juniper sat up slowly. Her small hand pressed to her head and she let out a small groan. There was light coming from the window telling her it was day. Yet she had no idea what time of day and she couldn't even tell by looking outside. There was always a cloud cover here during the day.

The rattle of the chain when she moved told her, that Drannor had not been there yet. She looked to her left where Minogos lay asleep. With a small sigh she lay back and turned so she could snuggle up against Minogos' back. Her arm slipped around him and she let her eyes close. She took what comfort she could from his presence, knowing he would never betray her. He was there with her until the end. Her thoughts drifted to Thranduil. She had tried to not think about him too much. To do so was quite painful, but now? Now he was filling her thoughts again. He was very close and despite her trying to hide from him, she felt him and he could feel her again. She wanted to spare him all of this, but she was failing. Her soul was screaming for him.

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