Chapter 76: The battle that wasn't.

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Finnola stood beside the elven Draft horse. He was huge and powerful, yet she understood the trade off . His stamina would be less but she was assured this horse could take it. She was Stroking along his neck and talking to him . Though she didn't know much sindarin she knew how to talk to horses.

" Lets hope I can connect with him . " She looks over her shoulder at Glorfindel.

" I think you will do fine My Goddess. "

The enemy army had begin to form on the plains. The battle would begin any time. She hauled herself into the saddle and sighed. Her eyes shift to Glorfindel and he saw the fire within them "Let's kill some Orc filth."


Thranduil and His army were lining up at the tree line. He saw the vastness of the army at his door step and set his jaw . "For her." He gives the signal and the Army started to leave the trees and line up .

Gimli walked the line of his kin as they prepared . The armies of Dale , Erebor and the Iron hills staring down a long line of nasty things.


The Queens Party rode hard. The sun rising and cutting the darkness. "Please do not be afraid . " She warned Jeven . Buttercup burst from the trees and ran beside them. " There you are. I knew you would find me." She called to her Great Bear. " Do not be afraid Jeven. You just do what I need you to do. The rest is up to Thranduil and I. " She smiled to him and wiggled from his arms .

" No do not jump ." He said near panic.

She laughs. " Who said Jump?" Her wings stretched out and she lifted from the horses back and drifted down into the wide soft fur covered back of Buttercup. Jeven bearing the brunt of her wings flap and the wind that came with it.

She had another pain as her hands grasp the bears fur. " My friend I really need your strength. It seems my cub is coming soon but I have something to do first. " The great bear out pacing the horses. Juniper tucked in as close as she can get to his massive muscled back.

Two armies facing each other . Their march slow at first . Closing the distance between them. Juniper burst from the tree line . Followed by the others. She rode the gap between the armies. Those that saw her gasp and stopped. Both sides of the pending battle just came to a halt and watched the Fairy and the Bear as she rode all the way down the gap, for what seemed like miles. Passing Thranduil Who stared shocked but before he could ride after her Jeven and Elthian stop him . Tauriel stopping near Feren. " You must trust her My Lord. " Jeven said quickly. Elthian spoke up. " Melamin. " The word got Thranduil's attention. He looked with wide eyed fury at Elthian. " Please trust her. " Elthian pleads.

She turned and rode back along the line back to where Thranduil was behind her . With effort she stood up on the back of the bear. Her heavily pregnant belly covered in Mythril. Her wings out so all would see she was the Queen. " I demand to speak with The Emissary of Minol." She practically screamed. The opposing army stood at ease and just stared at the Fairy.

"My Lord. Soon the Emissary of the lord who commands this army will come to you. He will set up a time for you and Minol to meet. " Jeven explained.

Thranduil looked to Jeven . His eyes narrow. " Who is Minol? "

Jeven smiled. " Juniper remembers everything. " Thranduil felt his breath taken from him and he looked to his wife standing proudly on the back of a great bear.

She would lower down to sit again. The pains coming quicker now. She watched a large man move through the crowd. He was as tall as Hannibal . His hair long and golden . He did not look at all like an agent of evil and the closer he got she began to realize that He was like Hannibal. He was a guardian. He carried a large war hammer and a shield. He placed his weapons down before the bear. Then looked right at her. " I will go speak with the King now My Queen. " He bowed his head and walked towards Thranduil who would ride out . She watched all this. The short conversation and the return of the Emissary. He bows to her again and picks up his weapons . As he returned to the army they turned and followed him.

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