Chapter 132: Now Entering the Arena ....

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Another day another long ride. Juniper decided that while she liked traveling she hated this journey. She had dozed off after breakfast and had snuggled into the warm folds of Elthian's cloak. There she had drifted off into peaceful slumber. Her dreams were nondescript until a dark fog began to roll in around her. She recognized how this felt. It was like when she was with Minol in the beginning. When he was trying to get her to remember him as he was long ago. Only this, this was not Minol and while everything in her said run she forced herself to stay. After all this worked two ways. He would learn about her but she too would learn about him.

She steadied herself and stood with her back straight and her wings out. Just as Thranduil had instructed her. The fog swirled and grew more dense then finally it took shape though his features were obscured. She was like a stone, not showing an ounce of emotion to him. They sized each other up in those moments. While she was very small he was massive before her. His presence weight down everything yet she stood as tall as she might.

"You did not flee little fae. I find this curious, You would allow yourself so close to me." He leaned in to look at her the closer he became the more his features became clear and he was beautiful. "Do you not fear me? Do you not find me beautiful and become filled with despair?"

He did not touch her. He couldn't without hurting her and she him. She had figured this out long ago. "Oh I find you quite beautiful but despair is not what I feel. " Her voice lifted with a slight fleeting twitter than made his eye twitch.

"You are very bold to mock me. So then little fae tell me what is it you feel in my presence?" He looked her right in the eyes and she was surprised to see Jeven's eyes looking back at her.

"Pity, sadness, longing, I feel your loneliness." Gone was that twitter and in it's place she spoke softly. "You have surrounded yourself with creatures that are forced to love you yet none simply love you as you are without you having to enchant them. It's the loneliness you experienced in the void. Utterly with only yourself, It had an impact upon you. "

He growled lowly as the corners of his lips twitched and curled into a dark grin. "Is that so my dear? " He stood straight as the fog swirled about languidly. "Let me let you know something about myself." He began to move in a slow circle around her, he drank in every inch of her and was filled with the desire to consume her. "Do not place such petty things as emotions on me. I am quite above all that nonsense. Loneliness? That makes me laugh, I am the best company I could have. " He finally stopped and once more bent down to look her in the eye and this time he was but a breath away from her. "You will be mine in the end little fae and I will have everything I want and You my dear will be the one who hands it to me willingly. Together you and I will remake the arda."

She felt her blood go cold. None had ever told her that was what he wished to do. What he had been seeking from the very beginning. Now it was his turn to gloat. "Oh I see your precious Minol did not divulge that information to you. That is your purpose is it not? We will make a new world, One where I am Eru."

She gasped and felt an anger welling up deep within herself. She began to shake with it. Her hands clenched into fist. She glared on him and screamed into his face. " You will Never be Eru!"

He was forced to move back. The blast that hit him was felt in his physical form and he was damaged. He pulled out of the dream and held his head. Dark blood came from his nose and at first he was shocked then he just grinned happily. "She is so much more than I could have dreamed of. "

Elthian's cloak began to move violently and he had to grab her tightly and talk to her. "Juniper, stop , just stop you are here with me." He looked on the small panicked woman in his arms. Her purple eyes wide with fear and anger.

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