Chapter 20: It's Natural don't fight it

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Thranduil was speaking with Galion . She had wandered out to the garden. The night was chilled but not so much that she wanted to be inside. The moon had grown full and was bright in the night sky. Her coloring changed accordingly. Becoming more pale and her hair becoming lighter and glistening with silver. She was feeling much stronger than she had just a few days before. She was standing before the fountain that still flowed and the sound of the water further calmed her. Her wings lifted and spread out fully . Glistening in the moon light she would give them a few test flutters . It felt good to stretch them out and move them .

She felt like there were eyes on her and she turned slowly to look . Thranduil was standing there. His shoulder pressed against one of the pristine white pillars. His arms crossed over his chest .

" you are more beautiful than a sea of white gems. " He Said and she blushed.

" You say such things that I find hard to believe. " she answered and turn to look back to the fountain . Her wings fluttering a bit more .

" Why is it so hard to believe ? " he asks in soft tones. she spoke without turning around.

" Ninnel and the Lady are beautiful. They are tall and elegant. They move like flowing water. They speak like they are wise. I am rather short. I run around like a clumsy child and I say things that are not right sometimes. " Her words were spoke softly and the tone held a little regret.

Her wings fluttered a bit more picking up speed and picking up a cool breeze that blew against him and smelled like wild flowers.

"Indeed Ninnel and Galadriel are beautiful elves. You can not be compared to them Juniper. You are not an Elleth. You are an exotic beauty. My beautiful Fae. Do not ever think yourself ugly You are different than the females around you but no less beautiful. "

Her wings simply buzzing now her feet lifted from the ground she could only do it for a few moments but his eyes widened watching her . He stepped towards her . His steps quicken as it becomes apparent she was dropping down a bit too fast . Her feet touching the ground her wings stopped moving but he was there holding her . She was unsteady at first but then pushed herself back and giggled.

"Did you see Thranduil ? I was able to fly just a little but I was able to do it. "

His hands moved to her shoulders holding them and looking down into her excited eyes. " I saw you fly. "

She squirms a little and purses her lips together. " It only matters if I am beautiful in your eyes. "

He smiled and shook his head . " You need to be beautiful in yours as well pixie. " He scooped her up. Her wings would lower. Her chest pressed to his . His lips on hers. He turned away from the fountain and began to walk.

" I have not forgotten about earlier. " He said between kisses. Each one becoming a bit more forceful a bit more lusty . His lips parting hers again, He stopped and deepened the kiss . His tongue once again sliding between her lips tasting the sweetness of her mouth and once again her heart would begin to race and the butterflies would return to her belly.

She squirmed and pushed her hands against his chest . Finally she would use the power of her wings with on mighty flap to slip from his arms and land slightly awkwardly a few feet away .

" It feels strange Thranduil and I do not understand it . " She gasped and turned scampering off towards the rooms . He follows.

" What does it feel like? " He asked and followed her . Watching her reactions . He was pulling his robe off as he moved . He already knew what she was feeling . He had experienced it right along with her earlier.

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