Chapter 45: Violation?

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Thranduil sat across from her watching her stuffing roasted chicken into her mouth. She was reading a letter from Arwen and giggling occasionally. The smile never leaving her lips. She had drawn both her her legs up. Her heels pressing to the seat. Her knees parted widely bounced a bit as she read and reached between them and on to the table for another bite of meat. It was not a very lady like way to sit but this was in the privacy of their own home. She looked healthy and happy but his concern continued to build over how much and what she was consuming on a daily basis.

She turned the page. She and Arwen seemed to write books to each other. He was trying to wait until she was done reading but it had already been the entirety of the meal and she wasn't finished.

"Juniper" He said and she giggled " Yes Love?" She did not even look up from the letter.
"Juniper!" He would spoke up and she jumped a bit. Her eyes lifting from the letter .

Her brows lifting. " Yes Love?"

He rubbing at his temples. "Now that I have your attention. " He began and she put her book by Arwen down . " I have arranged for you to see the healers today. "

She looked rather confused. " I really feel fine . "

He watched her eat more of the chicken. " Humor me . I want them to give you a thorough check up. "

She rolled her eyes and sighed. " Very well but if I have to be looked at so do you. " She grinned and watched his reaction .

"Well if that's what it takes very well then. " He smiled smugly and she frowns.

She refused to wear anything but her light linen dress to the healing halls. He was not going to argue and just left it alone. Knowing she was not happy about this visit anyway. Let her be comfortable as possible. She was waiting in an office with one of the assistants to occupy her. He went first into the exam room.

Eileis was looking him over. " I see so you consented to a check up just to get her in here. "

The king nods as he was dressing . " She can be a bit to much to handle some times. I'm the one that's worried and she says she feels fine but I am highly concerned. She eats. Almost constantly. This is a woman that rarely ate meat before last month. Just a bit of fish occasionally and now its almost all she consumes and it doesn't seem to matter what kind of meat either. I want every inch of her looked at . "

The healer looked at him and cleared her throat. " Every inch? are you also saying you want me to vaginally examine her.?"

Thranduil nods. " well yes. On the last full moon things got a bit interesting it was after that , that she began to eat like this. Look just make sure there is nothing wrong with her. " Eileis would have to agree .

"Well My Lady the King is completely healthy . So you are next. " Eileis said with a smile.

Juniper sighed and hesitated Thranduil had to urge her from her seat and guide her towards the door. "Go on now get it over then we can go home. " As soon as the door shut she stuck her tongue out at it . Then flopped herself up on the table.

" Why are you so against having me look at you?" Eileis asked.

" I keep telling him I am fine. I don't feel sick I don't feel weird . I'm just hungry. "

Eileis' hands drifting over Junipers shoulders and arms . " He says your diet changed suddenly and I can understand why he is concerned." Juniper shrugs and lays back against the pillows while the healer says a few words softly and lets her hands drift over the Fae .

"It's like I just need the meat. I crave it and I'm hungry all the time. " Juniper sighs .

" I need you to put your feet on the table and just let your knees fall open I need to check you internally. "

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