Chapter 22: I'm just a Pixie

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Thranduil had returned rather late from his Duties as King. The moment she saw him she ran down the corridor and leapt into this arms. Holding onto him tightly . She pelted him with happy kisses.

"Such a welcome. " He laughed and walked to his rooms with her holding on. His arms having wrapped around her slight form. Taking her to the sitting room he lowered onto the couch with her straddling his lap.

" I must speak with you Juniper. " She continued to kiss him her little fingers working the hooks of his heavy long robe open.

" mmm hmmm." Was her response . Her hands slip inside it already tugging at his shirt.

" Well aren't you a bit greedy? " He laughed and pulled her hands from inside the robe . Holding them gently. " We must talk first ." The look in his eyes telling her this was important.

She sat back against his knees. Her hands in his.

"The situation concerning you has changed. Ever since the attack your presence is known by those in the fortress. It's complicated too by the fact you are not an Elleth . Though they are unsure just what you are. "

Her head canted a bit to the side as she listened. " I am King Juniper and it would be acceptable for me to have a concubine though that is not how I feel about you or even wish to have you thought about."

She looked confused . " What is a concubine? "

His brow lifted, of course she wouldn't know. "A concubine is a woman that is used by the King for relief . She is kept within his chambers and used for sex . She is considered the kings whore. She isn't respected and not thought well of even if she is treated well within his chambers. "

The word whore was also a new word for her but she understood it wasn't a well looked upon thing to be.

"Any children created from their coupling are considered bastard children ." He could see the next question about to bubble forth so he went ahead and answered. "Bastard children are children created outside of a union . They are not usually regarded well. Their lives are harder. "

She frowned . "That is terrible, children are innocent. " She was saddened by this.

He would continue. " I love you Juniper I consider us already bonded together. I feel you now even when I am not close. You are always with me and I with you. " he smiled softly and could feel mixed emotions and confusion from her.

" You need to be seen . It needs to be done properly. I need to present you to the court. I need to announce that we are bonded. I believe when they see you and see what you are, the fact you are not an Elleth will not be a problem. The children we create, if we create them will be loved and revered by all. The mix of elf and fae will be special. You will become their Queen."

Her eyes widen she knew a Queen was the female counterpart to a King. She would rule along with him. " Thranduil I'm not made of a Queens cloth. I'm ... I'm just a pixie. "

He lifts her hands and kisses each finger softly. " Yes you are. You will make a kind gentle Queen who cares about her people. All of them, bastards and all, you see. You could change how the elves see things. Simply by being you. "

"This is a lot." she said in a small voice. "

He pulled her close and hugged her to him. " I know but this had to happen eventually. Now all will know how proud I am to have such a beautiful woman by my side. "

Her arms sliding into his robe again but now she simply hugs him. " I will do what ever you need me to. Just please do not be angry with me If I am not very good at it. "

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