Chapter 148: The Fall Of Morkala

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She was kneeling beside Minol. His hand in hers. He was smiling even as he lay dying. His hand lifted up and cupped her soft cheek. "I will be with you until the very end." He whispered and drew her lips down to his. The moment they kissed she felt warmth then slight pain that made her gasp. Her chest was heavy and she leaned against her own hands as they pressed against her breast. Then as quickly as it began she was sucked through a tunnel and she gasp. Her eyes open and Minol's body lay beside her. It was empty. She lifted his hand from where it had fallen into her lap.

Minogos stood several feet away completely still. He looked at her back. Her wings lowered and pressed to the ground. She held his hand and stared at him. The life gone from his eyes. Slowly Minogos approached them. She was strangely calm. Sad but calm.

She was standing there beside Drannor. Her chest felt lighter and she narrowed her eyes on Melkor. Drannor pounced upon his Master and pinned his arms behind and held him tightly and Melkor fought. "Hurry Juniper. You must be quick. We can not hold him forever."


The fighting was truly ferocious. The ground ran with the swirling of black and red blood. The elves were being pushed back. The enemy advanced slowly at first but as wave after wave of fresh rested warriors entered the battle the battle weary Army of free peoples was taking many losses.

They began to see the marks of Thurmog's kin. These orc did not attack them these orc lowered their weapons The elves and men did their best to not attack them. Though in the mix of battle accidents happened. The Majority of them made it through to the back Where Maedhros had command set. Thrumog breathing hard and deep stood before him.

The red headed elf smirked a bit then nodded. "Good to see you Thurmog are you and your kin ready to fight?"

"Yes elf lord. We are ready." Thurmog swayed side to side and slammed his fist into his hand.

"Then go fight. Join your other orc kin."

Thurmog hurried to find others. His own following him.

With the fresh orc warriors joining then the ground the enemy had gained was being reclaimed. In the distance a loud roaring cry pierced the night. Rising from his lair was the black dragon. The dark shape rose and blocked out the light of the stars and even the moon when he flew overhead. Sending terror into the hearts of all on that battlefield.

Maedhros looked with wide eyed horror and in shock he said what all present had not dare say. "Ancalagon."

Now even Orome and Eonwe felt fear but not Tulkas. Tulkas was laughing nearly hysterically. He slammed his fist against his hand and watched as smaller dark shapes began to fly towards them. All of the lesser dragons were now released as well. Melkor's crushing blow was unleased upon the armies of Elves, Men and Orc.


She was rushing to the dark hall. When one of the doors she passed burst open and she was shocked to see Beleg and Turin. Curufin and Celegorm entering next. "I need your help." She called out to them and they followed. There in the circular room she found Maglor on the floor at the foot of the pedestal. "Your brothers are here. It is time for you to go home." She tells him and within a few seconds He was being hugged and lifted up. These familiar voices knew his name.

She took the staff in her hand and lowered the end. The silmaril taken into her grip. She dropped the wizards staff to the floor. Curufin lagged behind and watched her with that cursed stone in her hand. He felt disgust looking on it. "Go Curufin. I have got this under control." She smiled to him and walked to the door. His brother calling to him. He was leaving as well . She passes Beleg and Turin with a smug look on her face.

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