Chapter 92: What Lies in the East

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"Hey Elthian, Do you ever think about what it will be like when this is all over with?" Her voice just a soft as the breeze that cooled the warm garden she sat in. The spot was shaded and in her arms was her baby. Orist ran around the garden with his practice bow and shot pretend arrows at everyone. He looked up to her and saw her smiling as her eyes followed Orist's every move. Then her gaze fell back on him . Her brows lifting. "Well, do you?"

He coughed to clear his throat and then sighed. " Not really. I guess life has just been this for so long. You just get used to it. When you make me think about times of peace though. I would be all for that. Babies being born everyday and the laughter of children. I wouldn't even mind if a couple were my own. So maybe I can dare to think of the future just not too much."

She looked down to Melian. She was sleeping soundly and Juniper lay her on the cushions beside her. "I go to speak with them all this afternoon. I suppose I might know what our future entails after that. " She shrugged. Elthian reached out to her. His hand pressing against her knee. He managed to turn and rest his head in her lap . Looking up at her with his silver eyes. the blue seemed to drain from them "whatever it is I am in it with you Melamin." 

Small fingers passed through his golden hair. "Brace yourself." She whispered. 

He looked confused "wait wha..." Orist pounces him.

"OOPHHHH Orist?" Elthian gasps. The child burst with giggles. "got you Ada!" Elthian's eyes narrow. " You think so?" Orist scrambled to get off Elthian and run . "excuse me Melamin it seems I must go perform my duties and track down this ... Obviously rogue Ellon." He said the last part loudly and Orist's giggles and cries of excitement could be heard from some where to the back of the garden. "Do be careful My King Consort. " He just slumped a bit. "arrgh don't call me that ."

She watched him stalk off into the garden. Her eyes drifting down to Melian. "You see My little gift , your family is sometimes a bit strange and maybe a bit large and it may just seem cobbled together but it is your family and You are loved within it. " She nodded and sighed, she had felt heavy for a few days now. It was when she was alone that it was the heaviest. What was a head of them was terrifying. She knew it. everything in her was beginning to come alive with warning. That was instinct.

Ryu entering the garden was the distraction she needed. "Oh come here," she called out and held her arms open. " Ryu lightly lowered to the cushions beside her and just fell into her arms. 

"how are you? " Juniper kissed her forehead gently. 

"I am better than I was. It was shocking to find that all out. I ... didn't know. " Her voice trailed off. 

" No one is blaming you . I can understand their trepidation Ryu and I hope you can too. Fae are so new to them. They could fear us . They could treat us like the enemy and hunt us. This is what I am coming to understand about some of the peoples. They destroy what they do not understand. That is not happening for us. They are embracing us and learning about us. Just as we are learning about them. "

Ryu nodded gently then just nuzzled in against the Queen breast. " Now are you sure about Lorithir? You do know that just because he saved you does not mean you have to marry him?" Juniper had to ask because it seemed a bit sudden. 

Ryu Gasp and began to giggle " Nooooo Oh no My sister. I love him. I was told about this thing that the elves have. Love at first sight . Its when their fea is near the one that is meant for them. He felt it the night he cornered me. I felt it too but I fainted. "

"Ay good morning little one. " She sat up and leaned over Junipers lap to lift the baby. The dark haired fae lavishing the infant with affection . " It feels like the bulbs on her back have gotten larger. " 

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