Chapter 59: Look Who's coming to Dinner.

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She was dressed in another one of Shisha's dresses. This one a light purple color . The bear placed on the front of the skirt along with the Elk. Thranduil had liked that idea the best. On her head was placed her diadem. The pearl tapping lightly against her forehead. In her arms was Orist. He well fed thanks to Ninnel. He was happily asleep and full. Celeborn's party was arriving at the gates .

The Royal Family stood there to greet him. There were so many handsome elves dismounting she wasn't sure which one was him and then, He rode up. Atop the darkest colored meara she had ever seen. He was such a contrast to his mount. Youthful looking like Thranduil but the eyes told another story and when they were on her she felt her heart skip and an uneasy feeling washed over her. Like he was looking deep within her to see the light and the place where time stops.

He was gracious during their introduction. One in which she mostly stammered. He was so pretty. When he neared that uneasiness melted away into a feeling of warmth and calm. He lifted her baby from her arms and she just watched him. He and Thranduil discussing the baby . She was enthralled. Thranduil's eyes fell upon her and he got this knowing grin.

Her cheeks went red and she quickly looked away. Finally she was pulled out of her stupor by her husband who was handing her the baby back and whispered in her ear. " You will tell me about this later my love." Her eyes lowered and she nodded gently.

The party began to go inside and she followed along quietly. Even when they reached the Royal Hall she just walked in silence. They turned towards Celeborn's rooms and Juniper kept going straight to the chambers. She was done with this for now. She hoped it would not be seen as rude.

Thranduil returned a few hours later. He pulling his robes off . Far more comfortable in his tunic and leggings. He carries it with him into the bedroom where he finds his wife lying on the bed. Her eyes watching him move about the room.

" No he did not see it as rude though I did." Thranduil looked at her squarely. " What happened at the gates?"

She shook her head . Her voice just barely above a whisper. " I do not know. He looked at me and I felt something. I ... I felt like he was looking inside me. His presence was one I welcomed ."

Thranduil's brows lifted suddenly . " I see . " He began. " I think you just had an interesting reaction to Celeborn poking and prodding you. You are the first fae he has ever seen. He was just trying to see as much about you has he could . "

He walked to the bed and pressed a knee to it . His hands pushing her to rest on her back. His eyes staring down into hers. He felt her tremble. His lips pressed down to hers. Another tremble. He could have had her 10 different ways just then if they weren't expected at dinner.

" You must pull yourself together . We have dinner to get through then I shall ravage you until you scream."

Her eyes lifted to look right into his. " King Thranduil does not make threats ." She grinned as she spoke.

Jeven and Hannibal had been traveling for a few weeks now. They came on a few villages. Purchased a few things. Then kept moving. Jeven speaking in westron most days now. His grasp of the language had greatly improved. Atop a rather rocky hill They stood watching the sunset. Hannibal looking out towards the west.

" There is something brewing in the West Jeven. There is the smell of war on the wind. "

Jeven looked up to his companion. " Ish tha Queen invawlved?" He asked in that thick accent that clung to each word.

" Not yet Jeven . I hope we can avoid that."

They headed down the hill. After all they traveled at all hours . Only stopping to get a few hours sleep and to eat. They were coming to the point that Jeven would need to hide his identity. Hannibal purchased him clothing more like what they wear in the west. This type of dress he found constricting. Especially the leggings and the boots. Wear this he would if it meant getting to her quicker. The cloak was fine . The cowl covered his head and ears. Apparently his coloring would be distracting the further west they went.

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