Chapter 90: Well Played

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Thranduil entered his tent and there cross legged on the bed was his wife with a baby to her breast. The child was darker in complexion that she yet she still looked natural with the child to her breast.

" Legolas came through. " She laughed softly and looked into the face of the child she was nursing. "This ones mother passed last night. " She sighed softly and Thranduil would sit down near her. " It seems like child birth is difficult for the Harad and there are not enough nursing mothers to nurse all the orphans. This is just one of the problems here. "

Now she was beginning to feel the weight of being a Queen. He understood that weight well. "Lorien is arriving within the day with more supplies and building materials. They are also bring more tents and medical supplies. We are doing all we can to give these people a start at a new life and because of you many slaves will be freed and given a real chance at life."

Juniper lifted the sleeping child to the Elleth that attended her "Please tell them to come later. I will be happy to feed her then too. "

Thranduil looked at her . His gaze narrows a bit. " How many children have you nursed?"

She laughed softly as she covered herself up. " That was number 3 . At least I know I am capable to feeding twins." She smiled widely at Thranduil. The look on his face made her bust out in giggles.

"OH no no Melamin I am not ..." she giggled even harder. Thranduil suddenly felt a bit relieved it was just too soon for more. "I am more worried about how well the Harad leaders are going to take me telling them to end a part of their culture. Even if its disgusting something tells me that changing culture is difficult."

Rising and shifting to sit beside her on the bed. His arm drapes over her shoulders and she was pulled in closely. "You will make yourself clear to the Harad leaders . They will either agree or they will break their vows and leave. Either way your part is done and mine gets more involved. You are right, changing a culture is hard to do." He pulled her into his lap now and just held her. "It only takes 2 human generations to completely change though. To us that is just a short time but to them That is over half their life." He kissed her temple and lay her in the bed. He rose with a sigh. Surely he would rather stay there with her. "Rest a bit and then prepare Melamin." She was watching him go with a sigh . The flap opened then closed.

Thranduil was looking for his son when he was accosted by Minol. "What is it Minol?" He said flatly.

"My King if you would give me but a moment of your time."

Thranduil stopped there between tents and looked to Minol. " Ok you have your moment you better start talking."

Minol sighs. " I spent the night among the people. I wanted to see how embedded slavery still was even after the order had been given by Legolas." This was not what Thranduil had expected from Minol. He was actually being of use?

Minol continued. " There are still slave markets being ran in the open . There is little need to hide it. Brothels have been created and stocked with slaves and its not just the Harad that frequent these places. "

Thranduil broke in. " Walk with me Minol and tell me more."

Minol bows his head . " Certainly My King." Minol walked beside the King and held the Kings attention . He asked questions of Minol and found Minol's answers enlightening. "To be honest My King. Before I gave little thought to this whole issue. It seemed so small of an issue due to the enormity of my cause. However, knowing this was the biggest issue to You and My Queen I began to take more of an interest. While I still struggle to see the real problem. I believe it falls more into the moral code. Morals are something I have many of and then not many at all. I will however endeavor to help with this issue. Just tell me how to proceed"

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