Chapter 33: Thieves in the Night

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Elthian and the Queen had rode hard in the last push for Gondor and in the distance Minas Tirith could be seen . " My Lady Look. " She peeks her head from the pouch and gasp. " Its huge Elthian and beautiful. " She watched with wonder as they neared and the walls began to loom larger . Before passing the gates she tucked herself back into the pouch . With cowl over his head they entered the city with no fan fare or even a second look. A lone rider was not much cause for alarm.

He would find a stable for Loratha and of course pay well for his care. She peeks from the pouch as he began to wander the streets of the city and slowly make his way to the upper tiers. Finding the way blocked a few tiers from the top . Only ones with official business were allowed further . He went back down to the lower tiers and found an inn along the outer wall . He requests a room along the wall because he liked the view and had to pay dearly for what he wanted. Once inside he placed the pouch down and she crawls out and just stretched out on the bed naked and small.

"so what's the plan? " She asked and yawned a bit before she shivered and tugged at the blankets until she covered herself.

He smiles watching her. " The plan is to wait for night fall then we climb. "

She blinked a bit . Well You can climb I think I shall fly. " she wiggled her brows at him

" You know you will be naked and its rather cold."

She frowns at that . " Ok you will climb and I will stay in the pouch."

Chuckling he walks to the bed and look down at the pixie . " that's what I figured you would say." Reaching down, his finger sliding under the little covers to caress her small form and a brow would raise.

" Its not the full moon any more" she protests but he did not stop. His finger gently parting her thighs and she gasps.

"does it look like I care about the moon?" He said with a grin.

She felt her hips beginning to rock against his large finger. Her tiny sex being fully stimulated and leaving behind the smallest of moist spots on his flesh. He unlaced his leggings and pulled them down . Scooping her into his palm He lifts her small form to his lips . She trying to push her thighs together . He would simply lift her slender little legs and wriggle his tongue against her bottom and the small slit.

This sensation was so different and so incredible. His hot wet tongue teasing every bit of her and making her thighs and sex very slick. Her whole body writhing in his hand. Her legs jerk then shake . Her small hands slap against his palm . Her lips part in the smallest of cries. He grins and lay her upon the bed and the shift happened within seconds. She sitting up Her hand reaching to grab his tunic she pulled him to her with a bit of force . His lips meeting hers as He shifts to rest between her wet thighs.

His flesh was hard . How could it not be since he did have his tongue lashing against her sex tasting her sweetness . Her hands drifting down to wrap around his spear. Feeling it pulse in her grasp she stroking him and feeling him against her. He was large not as thick as Thranduil or as long. Still large and she did like how he felt buried deep within her . She would guide him to her . She moaning against his lips when the thick head began to part her pink puffy petals and drag over her clit .

He pulls her hands away and trap them over her head . His hips pushing forward . She breaking the kiss to whimper . The head forcing her to open for him . Stretching her until she was near screaming . Then slowly as the head slides in her sweet entrance would close around the head locking him within her . Her walls trembling pulling him deeper . His head lifts and he growls . His teeth grinding together .

She was so tight around him. So very hot and wet . He began to thrust his hips. Her clit stretched against his shaft every time his moved it tormented her . Her legs shaking uncontrollably . She was constricting around him her release fast his cock soaking in her honey. He would thrust hard . Feeling her deepest places . Harder again and again . She caught in a perpetual orgasm . She writhed violently beneath him until finally he let go . His eyes rolling back . Pumping her body full of his seed until he collapses down and pushes himself to her side.

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