Chapter 23: Presenting the Queen

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In the time since Gandalf had left Greenwood. The early autumn had given way to the early winter. Arriving in Isengard on a grey cold day. Entering the halls He was surprised to hear the news from Ragadast . The news of 3 guest that had been there more than a month. Entering the archives He sees a familiar elf high on a ladder and putting thick old books on a top shelf.

"Legolas Greenleaf. You are the last one I expected to see here. "

Legolas went still a moment and smiled to himself . Knowing well that booming voice. He would slide down the ladder and brush his hands together . Knocking dust from them . " Gandalf you are a very welcomed sight. "

They chat as Legolas leads him to another room in the halls of Isengard. The large doors opened and there sat Gimli before a large hearth, smoking a pipe. A woman stood and Gandalf had to look up to see her beautiful features.

" Oy if It isn't My friend the White Wizard" Gimli raises his pipe to Gandalf .

"It is good to see you Gimli. I see you have been well fed in the halls of Isengard." He teased the dwarf. His attention being drawn back to the elf.

Gandalf notices the change in Legolas as he motions to the Giant woman. " This is Finnola of Rohan." He introduced the woman and smiled to her in a way that made Gandalf's eyes narrow a bit for a second. " Finnola this is Gandalf the White "

Gandalf stammered a bit to find his words " Lovely to meet you Lady Finnola." He finally said.

Which made her chuckle as she moved towards him and bows a bit in respect." Drop the Lady part its just Finnola and I am very pleased to meet You. Maybe with you here some progress can be made. "

Her statement made Gandalf raise a brow and look to Legolas. " Progress on what exactly?"

There in the warm sitting room at a large table lit by a magical light. The four of them sat Looking at the drawings of the cave paintings . Gandalf listening to their story about the glittering caves . He grumbles and goes quiet . Sitting back in his chair and stroking his beard before pulling his pipe from somewhere in his robes . He mutters to himself . Lights his pipe with a match . Puffing away he was obviously lost in thought.

The other 3 looking at him expecting something wise to be forth coming . " You must excuse me." He would rise suddenly and leave the room quickly leaving the 3 adventurers looking at each other in confusion.


Ninnel was making sure everything was perfect . Beyond the door was the crowd and the feast that had been made in her honor. Thranduil Had come into the room and ushered Ninnel out . Juniper was standing there her hands clasped before her and wringing in worry and nerves.

" You take my breath away ." He said softly and smiled she did not return it . He would take a deep breath and sigh . " I have something for you . Something that might cheer you up just a bit. At least I hope it will. You told me to take your bracelet and have something special made. "

She looked up to him then " I remember. " She said softly .

He took her small left hand in his and lifted it as he lowered his lips to it and pressed a kiss to the back of it . Then on her finger He placed a ring. "This ring is a symbol of my love Juniper and also a promise. I will never forsake you. No matter the circumstances. My love is always yours. "

She looked to the ring the band was made of the gold from the bracelet and in the center was a stone. A milky white stone and when she moved her hand it erupts with color from deep within. She gasps and watches reds melt to blues and greens then pinks . She had never seen such a stone before.

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