Chapter 54: Never Underestimate The Strength of Hobbits

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Gimli sat just outside the caves mouth. His small camp being set up there. A small fire burned and over it a kettle steamed. He thought of Raga and how much he wished she was there. "least sittin here would not be so boring." He grumbled and Lifted a bowl into his hand . He spooned out some of the stew in the kettle and sat back . He blew on a spoonful to cool it off before eating it . His face twisted and he frowned. " and the food would be better." He slumped and sighed . Looking into the bowl of bland stew.

He heard a shuffling coming from the entrance of the cave. He turned to look and coming into the light were white but slightly dusty robes and a squinting bewildered wizard. "So you're awake finally Gandalf. " He said and eyed the Wizard.

"Gimli? " He said in a slow grumbled voice.

" Aye I'm missing the fight because of you." Gandalf looked confused and moved to sit down near the dwarf." What fight?"

Gimli sighs and looks to the bowl of stew and thrusts it out to Gandalf. " Have some food and I will tell you everything you have missed."


Elrond was making his way through the refugee camp. Humans and Hobbits a like were housing here before going to Rivendell. There was an air of desperation about. Looking through the section the Hobbits had occupied. He looking for 4 Hobbits in particular but not finding them. He was also delayed in his search as He made stops to heal those that had been injured but not so badly that they needed to healing tents.

The sound of a very familiar voice would make him turn an ear towards it. "Aye ere ya go . A nice warm blanket fer ya." When he turned towards the Hobbit he would behold was Pippin. He was putting a blanket around the shoulders of an elderly Hobbit. She was thanking him for the kindness.

He began to approach the Hobbit and when close enough he spoke. " I have been looking everywhere for you Peregrin Took"

Pippin Looked up and almost burst into tears. " Lord Elrond." He finally said and the tears began to fall.

Elrond so moved by the hobbits show of emotion lowered down and hugged this very special Hobbit and whispered calming words to him and once he had calmed He held the hobbit from him and looked into his reddened eyes. " Where are the others? Where is Frodo, Sam and Merry?"


Elladan and Elrohir were both at the front lines. Skirmishes happened daily. The advancing army had not counted on the elves putting up such a furious defense But now that defense was waning. They would have to pull back soon . This line they could not hold much longer. Not without aid. They were in the war tent . Looking over the large map of the battle field and discussing the next strategy.

"We must retreat to weather top." Elladan said.

"We can not . Not until the refugees are moved " Elrohir commented.

Glorfindel burst into the tent having heard the conversation as he approached with a letter in hand. " How many days can we hold here? " There was a look of hope in his eyes.

" 2 maybe 3 days ." Elladan spoke up.

Glorfindel grinned. " If we can hold for 3 days we may not have to retreat but advance." He held out the missive. " 2 regiments of Woodland Kin are coming along with 300 Rohirram. "

Elladan took the paper and read. A smile curled on his lips. " This is the moral boost we needed."


Hannibal lay in the shade of a large wide palm tree. The sound of something hitting the ground near by made him slowly open an eye . He saw 2 small desert hare laying on the ground. Jevan preparing to butcher them.

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