Chapter 124: The Cruelest Thing

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Elladan looked between Thranduil and Juniper. He was still feeling the effects of Haldir's wine from the night before. His head was near throbbing and he was trying very hard to not look sick. The ride that day had been a rough one, even if he had spent most of it in a wagon with Kree. She was not behaving like herself and it was troubling. Now the Queen was presenting him with something he just had so little understanding about.

Thranduil could tell what his problem was and shook his head. "Why haven't you just had the cure by now Elladan. You have been sick all day."

Of course the King would know. Elladan thought and sighed as he lowered into a chair and rested his head into his hands. "I was too afraid to go asked for it. Radelia would have to make it for me and I just could not face her."

Juniper looked up to Thranduil as he rolled his eyes and looked to Elthian. "Would you please go get him the cure so we can further this along rather than look at him being pitiful."

Elthian chuckled and nodded before leaving the tent.

Juniper tugged on Thranduil's sleeve and he stooped down so she could whisper. Thranduil stood up and smiled to her. "He drank Haldir's wine last night and he has suffered all day Melamin."

She frowned at him for speaking it out loud when she was trying to be polite about her question. Elladan just sighed and slumped even more in the seat. Celeborn joined them as Elladan slumped and took not that his grandson looked like a well used dish rag.

"Really Elladan." He said half in disgust.

"It was Elrohir who offered it to me." He muttered.

Right as Celeborn was going to let him have it, Elthian returned with the cure. He carried it to him in a steaming cup and offered it to him. "Personally I think it is a bit poetic that you have suffered today."

Elladan nodded as he took the cup and began to drink. The effects took only a short time to come upon him and he began to feel better and his mind cleared. "Just so that I am clear. The Queen wants to look inside of Kree's mind. To see what she had seen when she touched the stone."

Thranduil was going to speak but Juniper beat him. She obviously held no ill will towards Elladan for what had happened that night in Greenwood. She stepped forward as she spoke. "Elladan," Her steps stop when she reached him and her fingers pressed under his chin. "Look at me Elladan." His face lifted and his eyes met hers and he looked deeply into those lavender pools and she looked deeply into the dark depths of his. She smiled in a way that made him feel warm all over and calm.

"Let me explain. I do not want to do this. It seems to end badly for me when I try this. However, I must do this. For her and for us. Whatever she saw could be a very dark burden on her. Also it could have an effect none of us would want for her. At least if I see it too we will know better what she will need. " Juniper finished and pulled her fingers away. "Maybe there is something there that can help us as well. Maybe not, but either way it must be done."

Elladan nodded gently. "Very well. I will speak to Kree and try to gain her consent. I too feel she needs something but to be honest I do not know what. "

Elladan left the tent to go speak with Kree. As they waited Juniper spoke to Thranduil and Elthian. "I want Minol to be the one that goes with me."

"Why? I have done this with you in the past shouldn't I..." Thranduil was protesting vehemently against it and she could tell the very thought was disturbing to him. She reached out and grabbed his hand tightly.

"Melamin listen to me. I do not want you to be touched by him. That kind of darkness should never be close to your mind. Not ever. Minol would be better suited this time."

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