Chapter 73: I do not care about the Hour

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"I can not leave Thranduil. I have to stay here with The Queen. Elladan will have to go back and join his brother. " Elrond stated.

Thranduil nodded in agreement and lifted his cup of tea. " We have been granted a boon ." His gaze drifted up to Celeborn.

" I am leaving tonight. I hope my departure will go unnoticed. I am concerned about what we will meet on the road back to Lorien. " Celeborn spoke with trepidation.

Thranduil steeples his fingers and gave the concern some thought. " Then you should take Finnola and Glorfindel. I can think of no better escort. "

Elrond arched a brow. " Perhaps that is what they should be doing . Running messages and guarding the path. Truthfully Glorfindel lives for things like that ."

" Well then cousin You will be the first to be taken to Lorien under the protection of Glorfindel and Finnola. Valar help those who try and stop them." Thranduil said with a smile and lifted his cup of tea again.


Juniper stayed in her bedroom. She had run out on her guest the night before. It had been a bit too much for her to fully take all at once. Tauriel was in the room with her. She had watched the Queen simply lay in the dim light and listened to silence for hours. Finally she spoke up. " My Queen. Please allow me to take you up to the garden. The sky is clear and You should be warm enough for a few minutes. You could use the light. "

Juniper muttered to her and didn't move. Tauriel sighs. Where the men often treated her with tender care Tauriel was a bit more firm. " I am so sorry but you are my friend and as a friend you are no longer allowed to mope in bed and be pitiful. "

With that Tauriel grabbed her by the leg and pulled her close with a single yank. Her arms around the pixie quickly.

" You wouldn't dare." Juniper cried.

" I guess you will find out my full resolved My Queen" Tauriel announced loudly. Elthian looked to the bedroom door. Soon he was joined by Jeven.

" I think they argue." Jeven murmurs.

" Oh yes they do argue. Tauriel is one of the only elves who can do that successfully with the queen. " Elthian watches the door and takes a bite of his apple. " want to wager? " He asks Jeven.

His white brows raise. " With coins? hmmmm I think the Queen will not emerge . I have 1 silver coin. " He fished the coin from his pocket and held it with 2 fingers.

Elthian smirks. " I think she will emerge but not willfully and I take your bet. "

They nodded in agreement Then began to wait.

It was about 10 minutes later following another shouting match that a ruckus was heard coming from the bedroom. Neither of them rushed to the door. They were not willing to incur the wrath of whatever female was getting the better of the other. The bedroom door flung open hard. Tauriel leaving the room with an unhappy pixie over her shoulder . She stalked down the corridor heading to the secret passage. " I'm taking My friend outside for some light and air . " She grumbled over her shoulder at them. " Well if you are here to guard her then come on . " Elthian said and pushed off the wall . He followed the path Tauriel was taking. The protests of the Fae heard echoing in the dim corridor.

They emerged in another set of rooms not being used. The temperature much colder up here. There was an open aired garden . The Pixie was carried to it. Jeven looked all around the space. Finding wonder in how it was made .

" These are the rooms we occupy in the warmer months. In the winter she still uses the garden ." Elthian explained as they rounded a corner and there by a quiet fountain she stood . Her back to him.

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