Chapter 122: Into the consuming fog

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Drannor arrived at his Masters hold. He was in no mood to play the brutal games those that dwelled there loved to play. He gave them no chance to attack him. The minute he walked within the dim chamber he zeroed in on the largest of the orc there. Charging them with his whip in hand the flames dance along its tail. The orc made ready and with one mighty lash Drannor had the beast around his middle , yet he did not stop nor slow. The tail tightened around the orc and its clothing was set ablaze. With a mere flick of Drannor's wrist he separated the orcs torso from its hips.

"If any of you wish to challenge me I will send you into the void now. So come on do your worst." He challenged all present as the body of the orc sizzled and burned behind him. None seemed to want to answer his challenge. Flaming whip in hand he stalks off towards the hall and only when he was well within it did he extinguish the flames.

He was allowed into his Master's chambers and upon entering he was struck across the face with such force he hit the ground hard. His gaze immediately drawn to black leather boots that walked slowly around him. He managed to get to his knees. His hand held to the aching side of his face and he spat blood from his lips.

"I hear that you attacked the army of the free peoples. I hear we suffered some most costly losses. 100's of wargs. Several chimera including my magnificent winged beast. Whatever gave you the idea to do such? What were you hoping to accomplish?"

Dannor steadied himself. The mark on his face was already healing and he pressed both hands to the floor before him. "I got the news that the army had entered the lands just outside of my territory. They were so very close Master. I thought you would be angry if I did not attack and at least thin the numbers. I underestimated their might. When I returned I received your summons and came to you, fully prepared for and deserving of your wrath."

Large powerful fingers curled into his hair. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply in the moments before he was pulled up by his tresses. His lips claimed in such a brutal kiss that they were cut against his teeth and he tasted blood on his tongue. "Indeed," his Master hissed. "You will suffer."


Elladan and Kree continued to ride hard. Following the trail left behind by the massive army. They came upon piles of charred remains causing Elladan, for a moment to think the worst. Kree saw the look of terror in his eyes. She could feel the wave of panic roll off of him and then he was galloping off towards one of the piles. She followed a bit slowly, her eyes focused on his reactions. He slid down from his horses back and she watched as he inhaled deeply then exhaled slowly in relief.

She neared her companion and dismounted as well. "What is it?" She asked and stopped beside him.

His hand presses into hers. Holding it as he spoke. "These are what remains of many warg. All of these piles are what remains of them but," He trailed off as one certain charred pile was different. With his hand still in hers he lead her towards it.

"What is that?" She said half in disgust and half in curiosity.

Now he released her hand and crouched down and studied it in confusion. "I do not know."

"It looks like many things but it is one thing. Look this was a serpent, but this is a bird?" Kree stepped back feeling so repulsed she thought she may vomit.

"This is evil." Elladan said lowly. "This is sheer evil, to twist things so. It's unnatural. This is his doing."

Elladan turned towards her his finger pointing at the dark remnants of the beast. "This is what we are fighting Kree. This horrible, foul blight upon the arda. He who takes the creatures of the land and twists them with his darkness. He who steals free people and rips families apart. He who mars the very land and takes and destroys for no other reason but that he feels slighted by his creator. His servant was most terrible but what he wanted was to reshape the world with the order he deemed perfection. His Master desires nothing but chaos and destruction. It sickens me, all of it."

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