Chapter 61: Rivendell

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The camp had been struck . The sun was slowly rising. Finnola stood beside her horse. Her hand rubbing down the stallions neck. "There there. This will all be over soon . You can go back to smelling flowers and chasing the ladies. " She turned towards the sound of someone clearing their throat.

" Good Morning Glorfindel." She said with a smile. Her horses head turned and lay on her shoulder. Her hand caressing down his muzzle. He was speaking to her about Rivendell. He knew she had never been there. He wanted to show her around. She was half listening. The sun was rising behind him. He had a glow about him all the time but how glorious he looked with the new sun rising behind him like this.

He was taller than Legolas. His shoulders more broad. There was more muscle mass on his frame. His hair was golden and as it ruffled in the breeze. She swore she could see it shimmer like the the walls of the glittering caves. Her eyes began to see this elf differently. His eyes were a light shade of blue unlike any blue she had ever seen. His features were very masculine. While he was 'pretty' He was also handsome. His jaw line was more squared more rugged. His lips , now that she looked at them were more plump far more her thoughts were cut off by the sound of her name. "Finnola? Finnola? " She was a bit lost in the moment. His calling her name shook her out it. She blinked and looked right into his eyes. His brows creased a bit.

" Are you well ?" He asked.

The giantess was blushing, she coughs a bit and looks down then to her horse. " Aye I am fine. " she stammered .

He grinned a bit . " Well will you? " Inwardly she was wincing she had not heard more than 2 words he had said before.

" Will I what? " She asked very softly.

" Let me show you around Rivendell? "

Her heart skipped a beat. " Sure . " She was having a hard time looking at him. Why was she having a hard time looking at him? Why was she now so nervous about him?

Legolas was approaching Finnola . Leading his horse . Elladan was beside him. He paused and looked to the scene . Finnola was talking with Glorfindel. This should be a regular occurrence. Nothing out of the ordinary but He saw something in her countenance that was confusing. She seemed put off balance by him. Her behavior was, off and when she blushed his eyes narrowed.

Elladan had witnessed all this and for a moment felt a knot in his stomach. "What's wrong? " He asked to pull Legolas out of the moment.

Legolas shook his head " I hope nothing. " He then began to move again . Finnola looked somewhat relieved to see him.

" Well what's the word ?" Glorfindel asked and looked to Elladan and Legolas.

"The caravan made it back to Rivendell safely. Adar is already heading back. " Elladan kept talking and Legolas studied them both. His eyes shifting from Finnola to Glorfindel.

"Come on Love ." He spoke to Finnola " Walk with me . I have word from our Dwarvish friend."

She perked up and excused herself. Leading her horse away to walk with Legolas. Elladan eyed Glorfindel. " You walk a dangerous path mellon nin."

Glorfindel watched her walking away and grinned. " Iire caela nin oio querne tuulo' raxë (when have I ever turned away from danger?)"

She walked with him a short distance away. The horses begin to gently graze together. " Well tell me what does Gimli say?" She said looking at him with a smile.

"The message is an older message. It was delayed in reaching us because... " He shrugged a bit and she nodded understanding .

"Gandalf woke up. Now he is dragging Gimli off to the east. He doesn't know where . He said he would send word as soon as I knew what the wizard was up to."

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