Chapter 131: The Last Moon.

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It had been a tumultuous day filled with violence and uncertainty. A bath had been drawn for her in a large tub of shiny metal within a lavish tent. Accommodations that she had grown accustomed to with Thranduil. Yet he was not there and in his place was Elthian. He was in the warm water with her. Lovingly bathing her tired body. Washing away the grime from the road and battle.

Her hair had gone to its lovely silver color and her flesh had lightened. The cloth roamed over her flesh gently and the scent of gardenia filled the air. Eventually she lay back against Elthian. Her light body resting against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"The cart was lost and so were our changes in clothing." She said softly.

"Our host has found things for us. I believe they have modified a tunic for you."

She fell silent then and just closed her eyes. She was mentally and physically exhausted. He held her like this for several long moments until her breathing became steady and her body fully relaxed. His lips lowered to her head and his kissed the top of it again. His thoughts carried to the days ahead. The battles they would face and the hardships of war. He only wished to protect her and if he could he would not take her towards it at all. He would fight every battle for her and keep her safely away. Yet such wishes were not to come to pass. He knew it.

He had never given consideration to the idea that the nature of their relationship would ever be an issue. While often a bit of a shock to those within his own people they seemed to accept it easily. Even within the ranks of the human allies of Greenwood they were accepting. These returned elves though, they had caused her great distress. He had felt every bit of it and was not as forgiving as she. Though for her sake he would keep his anger in check.

He could have held her like this forever. Cradled in warmth with the feel of her soft naked flesh against his. Yet the water would grow cold soon. He gently rose from the tub and lifted her from the water. She would stir against him and mumble against his chest. With great care he dried her body then slipped her into the bed and covered her up. She rolled gently to her side and wiggled until she settled.

He desired a drink, something on the strong side and he wished he had a bottle of Haldir's accursed brew. He found the clothing that had been provided for them and dressed quickly. Finding the leggings and tunic a perfect fit. The boots fit him like a glove and for a moment he marveled at how they seemed to just mold around his feet as if he wore nothing but he felt nothing against the bottom of his feet as he moved around the tent.

With a smile and a bit of a shrug Elthian stepped from the tent to seek himself a drink and found Vorondil crouched down at a fire outside. "Please join me gwanur, I thought perhaps you would like a drink once you were cleaned up."

Elthian moved closer to the fire and joined his new friend on a low stool that had been set there beside him. He was offered a bottle which Elthian look and lifted to his nose to smell the contents inside. He pulled the bottle away quickly and looked at it curiously.

Vorondil smiled and even chuckled a bit watching Elthian's reaction to just the smell. "It is a drink the humans of the east make. They use a local grain that grows in very wet fields and fruit. This one is made with plums. It has become popular amongst us elves. Go on try it."

He nudged Elthian gently and Elthian looked to him from the corner of his eye before lifting the bottle to his lips and taking a drink. The sweet alcoholic flavor ran over his tongue and his brows lifted in surprise at how good it actually was.

"See I told you." Vorondil spoke with a wide smile.

"Do you know where the rest of my friends are?" Elthian asked and took another drink.

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