Chapter 36: Acceptance and Healing

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She was so warm. So comfortable. There was a hand on her forehead. It was soft and familiar. Her eyes struggled to open. Just little slits . The light was blinding and she winced away from it .Then slowly she tried again .

" She is coming back to us." A soft feminine voice said.

"Juniper." She felt her hand lifted and held in one so warm. It was a male voice now. "Juniper" Her eyes opened just a bit more the light not so bright now. She blinks several times. Then slowly the face of her most beloved would some into clearer view.

" Thranduil." She managed a smile. He smiles back and brings her hand to his lips.

"Let me see your eyes little Fae. " It was the female voice .

Her gaze shifting, it was the Lady . " Galadriel? "

She smiled to Juniper . "Yes there you are . " her words soft and gentle.

Thranduil would not release her hand . She did not want him to. Her small fingers weakly curl against his hand, holding on as strongly as she could. She tries to sit up but would groan in pain and Galadriel gently pushes her back against the pillows.

" No My Lady you mustn't move too much. You are more injured than you think." She helped Juniper drink some tea. " This will take the pain away. " she explained and Juniper sips it and taste the honey they had sweetened it with to mask the bitter taste.

She looked confused when she fully lay back . "where am I ? " she asked.

Thranduil answered. " You are in a healing tent . Lady Galadriel brought medicine and healers from Lorien. Do you remember the battle?" He asked

"Some of it. It's all a bit fuzzy . I remember taking a dagger from a fire and burning the wound on my arm closed. " Thranduil and the Lady looked at each other in surprise they had wondered who had done that. " I remember a bear licking my face. "

Outside the healing tent the camp was bustling with somber remembrance and happy rejoicing at the victory. Elves and men sat together . Eating and drinking . Though most avoided the healing tent with the bear sitting outside. It just wouldn't leave but did not attack any of them . It sat there waiting of her .

Elthian was outside the tent . Looking worried . He paced back and forth and stopped, then pace a bit more.

" You shouldn't worry so much Elthian . She is the best hands she could be in. " He looked to see Elessar approaching .

" I know but .. I .. how did she get here? " The worry did not leave Elthian's eyes .

" She stowed away in a wagon I would think . When she is better you will need to speak to your king about that night. " He warned Elthian .

" If you are referring to the night he spent with Juniper before you left for battle I already know. " Thranduil was standing there just outside the tent . His hands clasped together before him. His face unemotional. " I knew the moment it happened. Would it surprise you to know I too spent that night seeking comfort in the bed of an elleth? " Elessar looked shocked . " I do not expect you to understand any of this. Elessar. This is all hard to believe. Where Juniper is concerned things tend to become a skewed. I am not angry with Elthian. "

Thranduil looked to the bear and nodded a bit in respect. " I am curious as to why My wife is here. She was to stay safely in Minas Tirith. "

Elessar cleared his throat. " It is as you said Thranduil . When it comes to the Fae things become a skewed. She was left in my palace with orders to stay put. As you can see she did not do so. How is she ?" Elthian now looked to his King.

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